- Added Copy Air and Copy Entities options to Builder Tools
- Added ability to middle-click display entities to add a spawn item to your inventory
- Added ability to store/restore default layout
- Added ability to copy/load current layout to/from clipboard
- Added Paste Copy option to Placement window
- Added Paste Copy to Shape Tool
- Added Paste Copy option to Path Tool
- Added colour control option to Item Display entity editor
- For Fabric servers: Added LuckPerms support (axiom.* permission)
- Added yellow raycast indicator to various tools
- Added keybind for arcball cardinal snapping
- Added visual indicator for Autoshade custom sun shading positions
- Added keybinds for arrow key nudge
- Moved selection and placement options to floating window
- Added 'copy properties' to painter tool
- Added rotation gizmo to stamp tool
- Added 11 new tinker interactions
- Added option to disable Pick Block Drag to Keybinds window
- Added option to make Cut also copy to clipboard to Keybinds window
- Added Duplicate function and keybind (Ctrl+J)
- Added translation to revolve + allow float translation
- Added ability to use Ctrl+C to copy marker entities
- Added Fluidball tool
- Added ability to search tool presets
- Added "Copy Properties" to noise painter
- Fixed display entities incorrectly grouping with entities that are already grouped
- Added option to Placement window to "Paste and Copy"
- Added "Replace Solid Blocks" to Weld tool
- Added "Count" option to Extrude tool
- Added "Force Enhanced Flight" option to Keybinds > Movement. Can disable in order to get vanilla flight in the editor
- Tools no longer get automatically reset when exiting and reopening the Editor
- Added keybind to Minecraft controls (Jump To Block) to teleport to the block you're looking at
- Added Copy Air and Copy Entities options to Builder Tools
- Added ability to middle-click display entities to add a spawn item to your inventory
- Added ability to store/restore default layout
- Added ability to copy/load current layout to/from clipboard
- Added Paste Copy option to Placement window
- Added Paste Copy to Shape Tool
- Added Paste Copy option to Path Tool
- Added colour control option to Item Display entity editor
- For Fabric servers: Added LuckPerms support (axiom.* permission)
- Added yellow raycast indicator to various tools
- Added keybind for arcball cardinal snapping
- Added visual indicator for Autoshade custom sun shading positions
- Added keybinds for arrow key nudge
- Moved selection and placement options to floating window
- Added 'copy properties' to painter tool
- Added rotation gizmo to stamp tool
- Added 11 new tinker interactions
- Added option to disable Pick Block Drag to Keybinds window
- Added option to make Cut also copy to clipboard to Keybinds window
- Added Duplicate function and keybind (Ctrl+J)
- Added translation to revolve + allow float translation
- Added ability to use Ctrl+C to copy marker entities
Added Script Brush tool
- Watch this video for a short demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0czfydvLLOc
- Allows you to write Lua code to modify blocks in the world
- Comes with 9 presets/examples (plains, desert, grass, kelp, heart, leafy bushes, flowers, vines, clear foliage)
Added Export Clipboard to JSON Model
- Watch this video for a short demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWFBYJeqrlk
- Models can be used in resourcepacks or imported into blockbench
Added option to Autoshade to specify multiple sun shading points
Added command to toggle capabilities (/axiomtogglecapability)
Various bug fixes and improvements
- Added Modify Tool
- Added Revolve (Modify Tool)
- Added Translate Copies (Modify Tool)
- Added Rotate Copies (Modify Tool)
- Added Twist (Modify Tool)
- Added Animated Rebuild operation
- Added Gizmo nudge using arrow keys to Editor UI
- Added Merge Blocks placement option
- Added Snap to Ground button for placement
- Added movement speed scroll key bind for Editor UI
- Added option to use center of screen for Arcball Camera
- Fixed keybind clashes with Command Macros mod (https://modrinth.com/mod/command-macros/)
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Added Edit Block Attributes menu (can be accessed through the alt menu)
- Added Show Collision Mesh option
- Added Show Light Blocks option
- Added Show Structure Void option
- Added Expand Hitboxes to Full Cube option
- Added Make Fluid Hitboxes Solid option
- Added Prevent Interactions option
- Added File > Load Bedrock Packs to see custom bedrock blocks
- Copying half a block with Ctrl+C will now only place that half (if Force Place is on)
- Improved Tinker logic for rails, allowing rotation
- Undo now restores your Path in the Path Tool
- Added Filter Block Entities to Analyze Blocks window
- Added Flat shape to the Path Tool
- Added middle-click drag in Editor UI, to copy blocks from world
- Information in Operations > Analyze is now sorted
- Added ability to drag-select with Magic Select
- Fixed triggering multiple keybinds simultanously in Editor UI
- Added Tinker interaction for POWERED property
- Added Tinker interaction for rotating Fence Gates by clicking sides