- Added a gameplay loot category. This category covers drops from things like fishing, bartering, and cat gifts.
- Fixed issue with Sheep not showing their color or name properly
- Added data-driven table exclusion system, allowing for certain loot tables to be bypassed if needed.
- Lots of background refactoring for clarity and brevity.
- Added parsing for TagEntries, GroupEntries, and SequenceEntries. The only entry type now left out is DynamicEntries, which aren't really possible to parse easily.
- Fixed some issues in the lang file
- Updated mod description to include mob drops
- Fixed issue in the list builders that cuases a crash with an empty list. This affected Suspicious Stew loot table entries without any effects provided.
Create version for 1.19.3. Not cross compatible with other 1.19 versions.
For a detailed changelog for 0.5.0, see this version
- Optimized packet sizes by adding "simple" packets for things like blocks that just drop themselves.
- Extended configuration system with new selections.
- Added debug logging messages. If debugMode is set to true in the config, lots of specific log information will be printed to the console.
- Added several custom loot functions and conditions for use in the direct drops system. These will also be used by Lootify.
- Parsing now utilizes a registry, in preparation for addition of the LootLang system.
- Implemented parsers (some very basic) for all outstanding vanilla functions and conditions.
- Icon groups (the clusters of items next to icons in the viewer) now properly pass through clicks to the slots, allowing for recipe resolution when clicking on an item.
- Icon groups fill in their rows better, helping prevent odd arrangements of icons that aren't really sorted by width.
- Added resource-pack-driven entity fixers for altering how the Mob Drop category renders it's "entity icons"
- Added datapack-driven direct drop tables that allow for "spoofing" of hardcoded drops without altering the actual in-game drops.
- Added direct drops and entity fixers for vanilla mobs
- Changed the default chest viewer layout to a much more compact view that looks basically like an inventory. The rolls are shown in the tooltip now.
- Empty/invalid parsing should now display in the tooltips with INVALID to clue the player into an issue.
- Added more icons for previously un-implemented parsers (Credit to lxly9 for providing them!)
- Lightened up iron tool icons so they don't blend in perfectly with the background color.
- Implemented lots more condition and predicate parsing, providing more useful and verbose icon tooltips for various conditions.
- Lots of preparation for adding data-pack driven parsers and other features
- Fixed issue with huge loot tables bunching up really badly.
- Fixed a subtle issue with empty text that was causing certain tooltips to have strange inclusions if certain mods were loaded.
NOTE: This issue only affects 1.18.2. Minecraft 1.19+ changed how text works so isn't affected by this bug.
- Tweaked mob drop layout so if a mobs loot table is very short, it will put the outputs next to the entity animation, instead of below it.
- Fixed issue with processed items showing "1.0% chance" instead of their actual chance.
- Fixed issue where block and mob item stacks weren't showing their average drop count.
- Overhauled the block and mob recipe viewing guis! Instead of listing out all the conditions textually, which took too much space, they are now arranged in visual "chunks" with small icons indicating the conditions required to acquire that chunk of drops. Hovering over an icon will give a tooltip of what the condition is.
- Added prefered tool and mining levels as a custom condition. This adds the mining level and tool information to the block conditions where needed. Previously this information was missing, as mining level and tool are not handled in loot tables.
- Fixed issue where the "smelting" condition would show both the smelted and unsmelted items. Only smelted shows now, and the unsmelted properly shows in it's proper chunk.
I've moved EMILoot up to beta! I feel that it is relatively stable in testing, and the very basic kinks have been worked out. Further updates will focus on really polishing and adding functionality; like a config, resource-pack driven additions/tweaks, addition of gameplay loot (fishing, hero of the village gifts, bartering, etc)
Example snips of the new GUIs:
- Overhauled the block and mob recipe viewing guis! Instead of listing out all the conditions textually, which took too much space, they are now arranged in visual "chunks" with small icons indicating the conditions required to acquire that chunk of drops. Hovering over an icon will give a tooltip of what the condition is.
- Added prefered tool and mining levels as a custom condition. This adds the mining level and tool information to the block conditions where needed. Previously this information was missing, as mining level and tool are not handled in loot tables.
- Fixed issue where the "smelting" condition would show both the smelted and unsmelted items. Only smelted shows now, and the unsmelted properly shows in it's proper chunk.
I've moved EMILoot up to beta! I feel that it is relatively stable in testing, and the very basic kinks have been worked out. Further updates will focus on really polishing and adding functionality; like a config, resource-pack driven additions/tweaks, addition of gameplay loot (fishing, hero of the village gifts, bartering, etc)
Example snips of the new GUIs:
Added first go at mob and block drops. These features, along with chest drops are still in early alpha. If you have any issues, suggestions, questions, etc. please feel free to drop by my discord linked in the mod desc, or submit a github issue.
- Mob drops show a small animated sprite of the mob, followed by the drops described with their conditions for dropping
- Block drops show the block and then the possible drops, with conditions where applicable.
Initial alpha release of EMI Loot for 1.19.x
Initial alpha release of EMI Loot for 1.18.2