Upload of 1.20.1 (Neo)Forge version with Architectury
Upload of 1.19.2 Architectury version compatible with Forge
- Fixed Entities in Mob Loot not appearing in their boxes.
- Fixed some numbers not rounding correctly (2.3423454 -> 2.34)
- Fix up crashes from non-loot-table loot entries
- Relocate the mixin to actually apply after Fabric. Previous location was running before Fabric and missing table modifications.
Attempting to fix crashes caused by mis-typed or otherwise malformed loot functions or conditions
All the fixes of 0.6.3 from the other versions (somehow missed uploading 0.6.3 to 1.19/1.19.3...)
Attempting to fix crashes caused by mis-typed or otherwise malformed loot functions or conditions
port to 1.20/1.20.1. Big thanks to maddymakesgames over on github for the PR :)
Port to 1.19.4
- Fixed large chest loot pools collapsing and overlapping weirdly.
- Attempted fix for textkeys overflowing and causing packet errors.
- Fixed "Random" enchant being applied in places it shouldn't.
- Fixed large chest loot pools collapsing and overlapping weirdly.
- Attempted fix for textkeys overflowing and causing packet errors.
- Fixed "Random" enchant being applied in places it shouldn't.
- Fixed recipes duplicating if a player leaves and rejoins a game multiple times without exiting the client.
- Added enchantment description for the Random enchantment so ED doesn't just show a lang key in-game