- fixed a vanilla bug where jukebox would not sync their item when a disc is removed
- fixed tool hook rendering with trident
- added tool hook. Shift click on a tripwire hook with a tool to place it there
- added custom textures for soups and stew in cauldrons
- improved wall lanterns models and renderers
- fixed many minor issues
- fixed jukebox model not being applied on first reload
- waterlogged lilypad conversion will now happen seamlessly (hitbox and models dont appear to move)
- waterlogging a carpeted block will make the carpet pop off
fixed a particle crash on servers fixed structure repaletters not working cause of broen tag fixed potion mixing not working anymore with potions having an amplifier of 0
- cauldron conversion will give priority to rats milk cauldron conversion
- added a soft fluid tags for fluid that should not convert a cauldron to the liquid cauldron one
- fixed a crash on servers due to skull piles
- fixe wall lanterns wall lanterns rendering weird
- fixed potion mixing not adding potions correctly
- fixed a crash with ahnging signs on servers
- added compat with rats pirat hanging signs (translucency)
- fixed wrong version requirement
- witch huts and villages will now have potion and dye cauldrons (requires blueprint)
- tagged more structures to work with this including rep structures and yung
- improved config screen
- added more configs
- fixed hanging sign item rendering backwards
- mixing more than 8 potions will lead to unforseen consequences
- same for mixing opposite potions (configurable)
- added alex caves compat for acid liquid (deals damage and emits particles when in cauldron)
- fixed fast lanterns
- fixed potion mixing of the same kind
- fixed potion and dye cauldron crafting giving too many items
- fixed leather items not being colored properly when already dyed
- carpets being applied to top stairs and slabs
- witch huts and villages will now have potion and dye cauldrons (requires blueprint)