actually fixed etched disc
fixed wall lantern model on fabric fixed edched disc with pattern 6 crashing
added etched compat
fixed potion mixing bug
improved splash an dbubble particles to have correct light level depending on fluid campfire smoke will no longer go through cauldrons
fixed stew crafting consuming more ingredients than needed
fixed normal potions not going in cauldron
hotfix for caulron placement
- you can now craft stews (and just stews, dont ask for potions) by using boiling water and a cauldron
- fixed cauldron not updating bubbling state when filled with water
- fixed bubbling cauldron damating non living entities
- wall lanterns whitelist is now a config
- cauldron can interact with supplementaries faucet
- fixed FD hanging sign compat texture
- cauldron conversion will not apply to anything that already has a cauldron behavior