Remember this is a beta, it most likely contains bugs so do not expect too much
- added rank manager
- redesign menu
- added rename option to ranks, homes, and warps
Full Changelog:
- Completely remade rank system
- rewrite home command and bug fixes
- rewrite warp command and bug fixes
- split home and warp config from normal config
- added bstats
Full Changelog:
Remember this is a beta, it most likely contains bugs so do not expect too much
- fixed language spelling errors and other bugs
- fixed universal messages not working
- fixed speed command bugs
- fixed cannot tpa yourself
- fixed messages and arg bugs
Full Changelog:
Remember this is a beta, it most likely contains bugs so do not expect too much
- fixed join/leave messages
- fixed warp message bug
- fixed home and warp tab complete
- fixed back button in home settings
If you find any bugs or errors, please report them here
Full Changelog:
Remember this is a beta, it most likely contains bugs so do not expect too much
- added English translation
- added ability to customize join/leave message
Full Changelog:
English in work!
- added warp gui
- removed vanish Gui
- changed Gui Renderer
- added negative games framework api
- added reload command
Full Changelog:
- Fixed Vanish not working across join and leaving
- Added new Vanish API with config system
- Added new Config settings.yml
- Added Settings Gui to control user settings
- Added the ability to turn off fake join and quit message while Vanishing
- Added the ability to turn off command message feedbacks
More about the SettingsGui to come
All commands can be viewed at