Bump Annotaml to v1.0.3, fix reading config maps, close #220
Fix COMMAND_EDIT_HOME_PRIVACY node not being checked for editing home privacy
Fix missing placeholder with error_edit_home_maximum_public_homes
⚠️ Upgrading from v2.11.2? Follow these steps!
HuskHomes 3.0.3 fixes more bugs and typos present in the previous releases and updates the German (de-de) and Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) locales.
- Added
as options for the position of the teleport warmup countdown indicator display - Fixed an issue where numerical permission-node based limits were not sorted correctly, leading to incorrect totals being calculated on servers with inheriting permission nodes (#213)
- Fixed an issue where usernames that contain two or more adjacent underscores would be treated as MineDown formatting. Simple "markdown"-style formatting for MineDown is no longer supported or escaped (#210)
- Fixed an issue where public homes and warps that had been migrated from HuskHomes v2 would stop displaying on map hooks (#215)
- Fixed a typo in the edit warp menu locales that referred to warps as homes
- Fixed an issue in the incoming teleport request accept/decline button prompts where the click event commands were not prefixed with the plugin namespace (
) - Fixed an issue where the random teleport engine would still cache at least one position even if the number of positions to cache was set to 0
- Newly created tables on MySQL will now enforce a character set and database engine on creation
- Updated the German (de-de) locale, courtesy of @Ceddix
- Updated the Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) locale, courtesy of TonyPak
To update from v3.0.x, you should regenerate your messages.yml file (delete messages-xx-xx.yml in your /plugins/HuskHomes/
folder and drag+drop the jar file). If you are upgrading from 2.11.2, you will need to follow these steps.
Enforce charset, collation & engine on MySQL tables
Add TITLE and SUBTITLE warmup display options, stop parsing simple inline MineDown formatting, close #210
Better world lookups for map hook, close #215
Create #getLocalPublicHomes
and #getLocalWarps
, use server for checks with world UID fallback, fix #215
Update Traditional Chinese (zh-tw) via TonyPak
Accept server async
Fix incorrect sort order on numerical permissions, close #213
Fix safe ground locator not returning after completing future when world is invalid
Bump to v3.0.3
Use /huskhomes: prefix for /tpaccept command in international locales
⚠️ Upgrading from v2.11.2? Follow these steps!
HuskHomes 3.0.2 fixes a few bugs, updates the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locale and makes a small API addition
- Updated the Simplified Chinese (zh-cn) locales, courtesy of @ApliNi
- Re-added bStat metrics collection for certain data points
- Fixed an issue that meant the /back command was using economy action pricing for random teleportation
- Fixed an issue that meant /tpdecline had the wrong command description in most locales
- Fixed an oversight that made it impossible to customise the spacing of home, warp and command lists (#207)
- Fixed an issue that could cause blocking errors that could crash the server in certain edge cases
- Further optimised the random teleport generation system to reduce garbage generation
- API: Added the ability to get whether a player is in a "teleport warmup" state
To update from v3.0, you need to regenerate your messages.yml file (delete messages-xx-xx.yml in your /plugins/HuskHomes/
folder and drag+drop the jar file). If you are upgrading from 2.11.2, you will need to follow these steps.
Cleanup locales, ensure enclosed in single quotes
Merge branch 'master' into ApliNi_master
Add an API event to get if a user is warming up to teleport
Further improvements to the random teleport engine caching system
Re-implement Metrics with custom pie charts