- Fixed an issue that was causing user disconnects. (Fix/1.20.6 closes #61 by @p0t4t0sandwich in https://github.com/adde0109/Ambassador/pull/67)
1.5.2 changes
- Fixed 1.18.2 not being able to connect.
1.5.1 changes
- Fixed compatibility with the mod Zeta.
- Rewrote Forge encoder/decoder.
- Now works with Velocity 330 and higher.
- Does not kick when switching servers anymore.
- Able to switch servers without any client side mod when the servers are similar. (Mods must match)
- Switch from Forge -> Vanilla without any reset.
A lot of the code has been rewritten so here are more technical changes:
- New config version (2.0).
- Debug messages.
- Registry checks in order to guarantee a stable switch.
- Now transcodes Forge packets and Silent gear packets.
- Compatibility with Velocity build 266 and higher. No longer compatible with older Velocity builds.
- Fixed BungeeGuard support
- ServerRedirect works when connected to vanilla
- Fixed compatibility with velocity-tools (#35)
- Updated ServerRedirect reset mechanism to support newer Velocity versions without crashing.
- Rewritten reset-mechanism in order to be more stable when using Client Reset Mod and not make the player stuck in "Negotiating" screen (#28).
- Removed "reset-timeout" in the config because of the new mechanism.
- Added support for ServerRedirect mod for auto reconnecting when the client doesn't have Client Reset Mod but instead have ServerRedirect.
- Changed how Ambassador override and initialize Velocity's ChannelInitializers in order to improve plugin compatibility.
- Fixed new issues that arose after fixing incompatibility issue with plugins (#15).
- Replaced custom disconnect message with the actual disconnect message from the backend server.
- Removed unnecessary reset when going from Vanilla server to a Vanilla server.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with plugins that sends messages on log in.
- Changed possible max reset-timout limit in the config file to be < read-timeout instead of < connection-timeout from the Velocity.toml file.
- Fixed Available commands packet error. (This fix also requires Proxy Compatible Forge (PCF) 1.1.0 or higher or you will not see any of the backend server's commands.)
- Fixed an issue related to players disappearing from player list after switching servers.