- Update
- Updated mods
- Updated all mods
- early 1.21.4 version
- Updated mods
- Added litematica, malib and minihud
- updated mods
- A lot of mods have been released
- Updated mods
- more updated mods
- More mods. Now, it uses an auto builder to make the modpack. Check out the "View source" to see how.
- Bumped to 1.21.3
- Added mods that have been updated. Long from done
- VERY BAREBONES. A start to 1.21.2.
- From now i restarts from 1.0.0 every update
- Updated all mods
- Notable https://modrinth.com/mod/bookshelf-inspector/version/1.5+1.21
Lambdynamiclights - A dynamic lights mod for Fabric.
- Added Not enough pages
- Added lexikon - This mod acts as an in-game spell checker, highlighting errors and suggesting corrections as you type in Minecraft chat
- Updated all mods
- Added dramatic skys
- Added Fabricskyboxes
- Turend off Controlify because that mod is the one that makes Reese's options not working
- Added bookshelf inspector
- Updated all mods
- Sodium beta 2 (Fixed shulker box bug and more)
- Added trusted pack
- Removed closes-recipe-book
- Fixed so modpack don't crash when opening video settings (Removed Reese's Sodium Options)
- Added Better Ping Display for better tab ping
- Added Bucket-Pickup You can pick shift + scroll weal button looking at water
- Added command-block-ide for better command block editing
- Added litematica for schematic builds
- Added lithium for optimizations
- Added trusted-skin-pack
- Added CIT Resewn
- Still in beta because sodium is in beta