New Features:
- Retrieve the result of commands
- NEW web editor (with codemirror & spyglassmc)
- Support for 1.20.6-1.21.4
1.20.2-1.20.6 Version
Updated to Loom 1.3-SNAPSHOT.
Tested 1.20.2 Pre1 & Pre2
Added a translation file. Button texts can be translated now.
New Multicommand execution. Execute multiple commands by putting them in multiple lines. (This currently generates long URLs that are limited by the browser, this will be improved in a future version -> Testing with Edge got me running ~ 20000 lines of commands, so it shouldn't be that big of a limiting factor... )
Added two new commands for the execution:
- A onetime delay with /&timeout [time], which waits before executing the next command.
- And a global delay from now on, which adds a delay after each command with /&setdelay [time]
-> [time] is in the two commands in milliseconds, so 500 would be half of a second!
Added an option to exclude lines that begin with #, this mimics the comment function in datapack functions.
Fixed an issue with the mixin.