- fix open action order crash on server
- fix altar infusion interaction crash
- fix open action change order
- fix action activate when looking in the air
- fix village totem single spawn
- fix some translations
- fix bat not showing correctly in bat cage
- fix select ammo 'All types' icon
- fix faction raid network errors
- fix jei repair recipes
- fix actiion order loading with actions no longer present
- fix hunter minion tech crossbow charging
- add hat to hunter representatives
- add blood infused iron blocks to minable tags
- sync unlock skill to all players
- add jei integration
- move blood values into neo forge data maps
- remove night vision replacement
- and much more internal changes
- increase resistance 2 potion duration to 1:30 minutes
- increase drop chance for vampire books
- add passive damage reduction for vampires
- fix item combiner menus without a result slot
- balance vampire sword damage
- remove faction restriction from stake
This is an early build for NeoForge. Due to the change in modloader all player related progress is deleted when loading a world saved with MinecraftForge
- update to 1.20.4
- update to NeoForge
- change skill / action statistics
- fix crash with converted creatures
- fix crash with converted creatures
- fix crash with converted villager
- fix converted villager cure not triggering gossip and stats
- fix crash with collect resources
- regeneration effect not applying with regeneration action
- fix converted villager not saving visuals
- fix armors armor values of chest and legging items
- only apply weakness to creatures with half of their max blood
- fix reload command
- remove fog diffuser for on destroy
- add all vampire books to creative search
- fix injection removed when canceling in the revert back screen
- fix typo
- let hunter axe disable shields
- fix night vision effect being rendered for vampires
- add dispenser behavior for quarrels
- change ancient trophy base texture to dark stone
- fix baron max health not being filled with actual health
- fix possible startup issue
- disable totem base piston reaction
- disable baron boat mounting
- fix action deactivation on client
- change actions that apply effects to lasting actions that apply the effect continuously
- add mod compatibility for actions
- decrease hunter loot droprate
- increase hunter camp separation
- increase hunter outpost separation
- change cursed bark sound to wood
- add vampire bad omen translation
- let dark source sapling grow a cursed spruce tree when planted on cursed dirt and grass
- add mode blood exhaustion to several items
- lower sapling drop rate
- fix jei weapon table recipes
- fix alchemical fire not consumed on use
- fix chested boat recipe
- fix jei weapon table renderer for recipes that do not need 4x4
- re-colorize ancient beacon gui color
- only play infect action failed sound for the activating player
- reduce extended creature blood regeneration when low on blood
- allow mending on ultimate weapons
- increase heart striker damage
- decrease heart striker speed
- add mod compatibility for dbno duration and neonatal duration
No changelog was specified.
- add candle block
- rework hunter outpost with multiple variants
- swap candles in crypt
- remove vampires from underground and mushroom biomes
- fix stake kill conditions
- add new stats
- add resurrect and kill resurrected vampire advancements
- add drink blood events by @Doctor
- reduce advanced hunter damage
- hide advanced hunter and vampire effect particle for default effects
- update hunter table model
- add crypt loot
- modify purple stone blocks textures