- mod will now ignore all custom ingredients by default
- this was done to prevent breaking said ingredients as they had to be initialized before tags were properly loaded
- you might want to reset your configs for this to take effect
fixed another random neo issue
fix on neo that for some rason had some production only mixin issues. as usual
updatd to 1.21 added rei and emi integration tweaked recipe cost calculation
hardcoded stick cost to always be 0.125 logs
Changed how the mod parses custom ingredient types Added config to change wether mod will parse or not custom ingredient types. By default its ON. You might want to turn if off if you notice some recipes arent generated
Added config to turn off dynamic recipe generation Added config to save generated recipes to disk. Use this to add them statically to your datapack Useful if you have a very large modpack with many wood mods as recipe generation can take some time.
better error handling
fixed recipe sort not working on servers on fabric
more attempt at solving an issue with tags that happens very rarely for some and i cant replicate boats always cost 1 log