Toasty is a Minecraft Mod that allows you to display toasts after certain events happen in game.
Toasty is fully clientside.
Adding custom toasts
A custom toast can be added using a resourcepack and placing a JSON file under assets/<namespace>/toasts
A toast file looks like this:
"toast": {
"factory": {
//optional, defaults to true
"display_once": true,
//optional, defaults to 5000, or 5 secs
"display_time_in_milliseconds" : 5000,
//The item to display on the left corner
"item": "minecraft:bread",
//Text and title are required Component fields. This means they can be translated,
//colored and styled just like any other text you can see in game.
"text": "Display toasts after certain actions are performed. Fully clientside!",
"title": "Toasty helps customising your pack!"
//As of now, only this factory exists
"toast_factory": "toasty:simple"
//A toast source is the way through which a player sees the Toast.
//A toast source's targets are heavily dependant on the source.
"toast_source": [
"source_id": "toasty:on_login",
"targets": ["toasty:on_login"]
Toast Factories
As of now, the only type of factory enabled is toasty:simple
Toast Sources
- Displays the toast when logging into a world. Requires a non-emptytargets
- Displays the toast after picking up an item in the world. A target is the ResourceLocation that identifies the item. For example,minecraft:iron_pickaxe
- Displays the toast after killing a certain entity type. A target is the ResourceLocation that identifies the entity type. For example,minecraft:chicken
Saved locations
Toasty is fully clientside and uses the toasty
folder at the root of your minecraft instance to keep
track of the toasts you have seen throughout your playthrough.
Future plans
- A screen to create toasts in game.
- CraftTweaker support
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed MIT
Published 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago