UPDATE 11 (67 additions)
- [ ] Added DW Costumes creative tab for all wearables
- [ ] Added DW Daleks creative tab
- [ ] The Wire
- [ ] Cassandra
- [ ] Toxic Waste
- [ ] The Flood
- [ ] Hand in jar
- [ ] Ood Brain Block
- [ ] 200 Bus Exterior
- [ ] Balloon Exterior
- [ ] Ood Sphere
- [ ] Racnoss Ship (Trenzalore)
- [ ] Moon hospital
- [ ] Ood Operations Compound
- [ ] Ood Houses (4 variants)
- [ ] Psychic Paper (anonymizes chat)
- [ ] Bottle of Huon Particles
- [ ] Timey Wimey Detector (locates rare structures)
- [ ] River’s diary
- [ ] Adipose Pill
- [ ] Sonic Pen
- [ ] Jackson Lake’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] River Song’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] The Master’s Laser Screwdriver
- [ ] 3D Glasses
- [ ] Ood Translation Sphere (tames Ood)
- [ ] Sycorax
- [ ] Dalek Sec
- [ ] Dalek Sec Hybrid
- [ ] Ood (with baby variant)
- [ ] Ood Brain (boss)
- [ ] Feral Ood
- [ ] Abzorbaloff
- [ ] Clockwork Droid (blue, black, and purple)
- [ ] Racnoss
- [ ] Judoon
- [ ] Adipose
- [ ] Pyrovile
- [ ] Vespiform (use a DNA Sample on a bee)
- [ ] New sounds for Time War Daleks and Silence
- [ ] “Do I have the right?”- Fire a demat gun at Davros
- [ ] Stattenheim remote and mallet are no longer stackable
- [ ] Changed ancient tech and eye of Horus item rarity to “rare”
- [ ] Raised saturation and nutrition of fish fingers to be slightly higher than that of bread
- [ ] Raised saturation and nutrition of jelly babies to equal that of apples
- [ ] Raised saturation of food cubes to equal that of beetroot soup
- [ ] Raised saturation of celery to equal that of carrots
- [ ] Raised saturation and nutrition of carrot juice
- [ ] Raised saturation of coffee
- [ ] Coffee now gives a 30 second speed effect
- [ ] Changed icon of DW Items tab to the Fifteenth Doctor’s Screwdriver
- [ ] Repositioned Dalek gunstick in first person view
- [ ] Hat stand now uses stripped dark oak log texture
- [ ] Reduced spawn rate of moonbase Cybermen
- [ ] New sounds for Time War Daleks and Silence
- [ ] Intelligent Gloves can now go down ladders by sneaking
- [ ] Toxic Waste is now the default fluid on Skaro
- [ ] The Flood is now the default fluid on Mars
- [ ] Mercury no longer destroys items
- [ ] Time War, Time War Supreme, Bomber, and Chase Daleks no longer spawn at all light levels
- [ ] Reduced spawn group sizes for Tenth Planet, Cybus, Earthshock, Cyberiad, Invasion, Warrior, and Cybershade Cybermen
- [ ] Fixed Sontarans spawning in vanilla dungeons
- [ ] Fixed Staser having no charge animation
- [ ] Fixed Chuldur sounds not being in mono
- [ ] Fixed some tamable mobs having baby variants, which weren’t supposed to
- [ ] Fixed the temporal weapons dalek’s glow texture
- [ ] Don't you think she looks tired?
- [ ] New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York!
- [ ] Och! Ay! I’ve bin oot and aboot!
- [ ] We are not amused.
- [ ] You’re Mr Thick Thick Thickity Thick Face from Thicktown, Thickania!
- [ ] A silent realm. A lost dimension. Otherwise known as London.
- [ ] Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden. Except for cheap tricks.
- [ ] Fifty-seven academics just punched the air.
- [ ] There is something on your back.
- [ ] You’ve got a box, he’s got a Ferrari.
- [ ] The circle must be broken.
- [ ] Fresh air and geniuses. What more could you ask?
- [ ] Count the shadows.
- [ ] Dear Donna, The world is wrong.
- [ ] Molto bene!
UPDATE 10 (97 additions)
- [ ] Added Thal bartering mechanic with Dalekanium ingots, similar to that of Piglins
- [ ] Anti-Radiation
- [ ] Dalekanium Door
- [ ] Petrified Door
- [ ] Toyota Demat Lever
- [ ] Where is my tardis?
- [ ] Dalek Capsule
- [ ] Edwardian (Evil Dan)
- [ ] Abandoned (The_Redgamer)
- [ ] Adventure Games (We Stan Krang)
- [ ] Kaled Dome
- [ ] Void Ship
- [ ] Radiation pills (found in Thal Camps)
- [ ] DNA Sample (dropped by Davros)
- [ ] Dalek Mutant (50% chance of spawning when a Dalek dies)
- [ ] Dalek Puppet (spawns when a Dalek Mutant kills a Villager)
- [ ] Davros
- [ ] Thal Hunter
- [ ] Mechanoid
- [ ] Dalek Hoverbout
- [ ] Kaled Officer
- [ ] Kaled Scientist
- [ ] Mutant Clam
- [ ] Prototype Dalek
- [ ] TV21 Dalek Emperor
- [ ] Humanized Dalek
- [ ] Flamethrower Dalek
- [ ] Paradigm Supreme Dalek
- [ ] Paradigm Strategist Dalek
- [ ] Paradigm Scientist Dalek
- [ ] Paradigm Eternal Dalek
- [ ] Paradigm Drone Dalek
- [ ] K-9 ambient sounds
- [ ] Go Go Power Rangers!
- [ ] The Human Factor!
- [ ] Intelligent Gloves
- [ ] Halved the amount of diamonds in Dalek Cities
- [ ] Halved spawn rate of all Overworld daleks
- [ ] Bomber daleks no longer spawn in the Overworld
- [ ] Exxilon Daleks no longer spawn in the Overworld
- [ ] Timewar Supreme Daleks now only spawn on Gallifrey
- [ ] Ironside Daleks now have 50 health
- [ ] Ironside Daleks now have a lower time interval between attacks
- [ ] Ironside Daleks now take reduced damage from Dalek lasers
- [ ] Orange Spacesuits no longer protect the player from radiation
- [ ] Adjusted loot in Thal Camp
- [ ] K-9 can now be healed via iron ingots
- [ ] Reduced Kerblam! box price to 5 emerald blocks
- [ ] Removed weakness effect from Paralysis lasers
- [ ] Halved the damage of Autons
- [ ] Sonic Blaster can now be repaired by crafting with iron ingots
- [ ] Invasion Daleks now only have 30 health instead of the standard 40
- [ ] Ironside Dalek can now be healed via iron ingots
- [ ] Sontarans no longer spawn in daylight
- [ ] Movie Daleks can now only steal items on normal and hard difficulties
- [ ] Dalekanium armor now gives an additional 20% protection from Dalek lasers
- [ ] Updated texture for K-9
- [ ] Added glow texture for K-9
- [ ] K9 now changes texture with damage
- [ ] All Daleks now have a 50% chance of spawning a Dalek Mutant upon death
- [ ] Dalek Gunstick can now be repaired by crafting with one iron ingot
- [ ] Doubled Dalek Gunstick durability
- [ ] Adjusted item order in creative tabs
- [ ] Hand Mines now attack Thals
- [ ] Varga Plants now attack Thals
- [ ] Dalek spawns in the overworld are now dependent on biome:
- Invasion Daleks are found in every biome
- Time War Daleks are found in every biome, but only in groups of 1-2
- Imperial and Renegade Daleks are found in badlands, desert, eroded badlands, grove, meadow, plains, savanna, and savanna plateau
- Chase and Masterplan Daleks are now found in bamboo jungle, beach, birch forest, dark forest, flower forest, forest, jungle, mangrove swamp, sparse jungle, swamp, and taiga
- Movie Daleks are now found in bamboo jungle, birch forest, dark forest, forest, jungle, sparse jungle
- [ ] Reduced Silurian spawn group size
- [ ] TARDIS Manual Flight panel now remembers whether a player was in creative mode when they used the panel
- [ ] Thals now follow players holding Dalekanium Ingots
- [ ] Cybermen now only convert Players, Villagers, Thals, Shabogans, Timelords, UNIT Personnel, and Kaleds
- [ ] Cybermen now spawn converted entities at the original entity’s position
- [ ] Replaced diamond in laser charge recipe with redstone
- [ ] All daleks now attack Kaleds
- [ ] Updated texture for Weeping Angel
- [ ] Updated all 70s and 80s Dalek models to have pupils
- [ ] UNIT mobs can now be healed with apples
- [ ] All tameable mobs can now be made to stay in place
- [ ] Changing tardis Interiors now teleports every player within 100 blocks to the door, not just the one who clicked it
- [ ] Reduced damage of Cyberman lasers
- [ ] Ice Warrior Hive is now a proper structure, and can be used with the /locate command
- [ ] Halved the range of Silence lightning attacks
- [ ] Vortex Manipulator cooldown now only begins after the teleport is commenced
- [ ] Fixed K-9 being healed when right clicked with nothing in-hand
- [ ] Fixed Dalek Extermination and Time Erasure death messages usually saying “while trying to escape…”
- [ ] Fixed Ironside Dalek being healed when right clicked with nothing in-hand
- [ ] Various fixes to Sontaran Pods
- [ ] Fixed Silurians spawning on the surface under trees
- [ ] Fixed Slythers not spawning
- [ ] Fixed Zygons being able to spawn in the TARDIS dimension if they sensed a village
- [ ] Fixed Imperial and Renegade daleks using the dead planet dalek’s glow model
- [ ] Fixed demat gun using arrows instead of laser charge
- [ ] Fixed K9 despawning
- [ ] Fixed coordinate input and other such features not syncing between client and server
- [ ] Fixed Vortex Manipulator server side sync issue
- [ ] Fixed Y calculator server side sync issue
- [ ] Fixed eyestalk texture on Bomber Dalek
- [ ] Fixed the Vortex Manipulator’s Locate Rift function not dealing damage to the item nor having a cooldown
UPDATE 9.1 (11 additions)
- [ ] Osiran Beacon recipe now requires quartz pillars in place of quartz ore
- [ ] Added recipe for Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (yellow)
- [ ] Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (blue) can now be crafted with the yellow one
- [ ] Third Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver recipe now requires yellow concrete in place of redstone dust
- [ ] Regeneratetardis command now removes “leftover” blocks from other interiors
- [ ] Returning to page 1 in the Desktop GUI no longer resets your mouse
- [ ] Fixed Demat Lever working outside the TARDIS dimension
- [ ] Fixed Time Control working outside the TARDIS dimension
- [ ] Fixed Lock Control working outside the TARDIS dimension
- [ ] Fixed Fast Return working outside the TARDIS dimension
- [ ] Fixed rift location message not having spaces between coordinates
UPDATE 9 (106 additions)
- [ ] Block of Orange Amethyst
- [ ] Corridor Entrance
- [ ] Corridor Exit
- [ ] Block of Weak Dalekanium
- [ ] TARDIS door signage block
- [ ] Spinning Lodestone (right and left)
- [ ] Color Change Roundel
- [ ] Villengard Landmine
- [ ] “Susan Twist” painting
- [ ] Osiran Sarcophagus
- [ ] Osiran Generator Loop
- [ ] Osiran Coordinate Selector
- [ ] Osiran Beacon
- [ ] resetstructures
- [ ] replacetardis
- [ ] Gamerule KerblamManSpawning
- [ ] Added new model and texture for Bad Wolf exterior
- [ ] Added new model and texture for Christmas exterior
- [ ] Whittaker
- [ ] Sutekh
- [ ] Memory
- [ ] TARDIS Corridors
- [ ] Laser Charge
- [ ] Intelligent Gloves (allows you to ascend ladders faster)
- [ ] Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (maroon)
- [ ] Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (yellow)
- [ ] Eye of Horus
- [ ] Goblin
- [ ] Mantrap
- [ ] Chuldur
- [ ] Sutekh the Destroyer (boss)
- [ ] TARDIS door sounds
- [ ] Rift blocks now use amethyst sounds
- [ ] Roundel door sounds
- [ ] Sonic Blaster sound
- [ ] Classic Sonic Screwdriver sound
- [ ] I Bring Sutekh’s Gift of Death
- [ ] You Would Make a Good Dalek
- [ ] Optimized TARDIS interior doors code
- [ ] All weapons now require laser charges
- [ ] All daleks now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Added laser charges to Dalek City loot
- [ ] Demat lever can now be placed on its side
- [ ] Active demat lever now creates a redstone signal of 15
- [ ] TARDIS Jukebox now plays music (specifically tracks not available through discs)
- [ ] Movie Daleks now immediately drop the item they steal, but it takes much longer to pick up
- [ ] When falling into the void in the TARDIS dimension, players will now be teleported back to the console room unharmed. When using manual flight mode, players will be teleported upward when in the void
- [ ] Increased rarity of Sontaran Pod
- [ ] Decreased spawn rate of Sontarans
- [ ] DW Items tab’s icon changed to a Bow tie
- [ ] Replaced honey in Thirteenth Doctor’s TARDIS with orange amethyst
- [ ] Adjusted the height of some TARDIS controls’ hitboxes
- [ ] All commands other than gamerules are now unified under “/tdwm” (eg /tdwm tardis setdoorpos)
- [ ] Added glow textures for all Police Box TARDIS exteriors
- [ ] Dalek Outposts are now constructed from Weak Dalekanium
- [ ] Removed welcome message
- [ ] Doubled Dalek laser damage
- [ ] Reduced K9 laser damage by 2 points
- [ ] Updated model for TARDIS interior doors
- [ ] Removed durability for cosmetic clothing items
- [ ] Added black void to off center classic door
- [ ] Added overlay graphic to flight panel
- [ ] Replaced vanilla lodestones in the Twelfth Doctor’s TARDIS interior with Spinning ones
- [ ] Increased rarity of all structures
- [ ] K9 and flamethrower laser types are now red
- [ ] Removed nonzero requirement for coords
- [ ] Reworked sound engine to be more consistent with Minecraft
- [ ] Added ambient particles to TARDIS dimension
- [ ] Sonic Blaster now replaces blocks in a 3x3x3 area, and then replaces them with concrete
- [ ] Renamed Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver to Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver (blue)
- [ ] Hologram now features an animated texture
- [ ] Sonic blaster now has 60 durability
- [ ] Robot Mummies now attack animals and golems
- [ ] Added Osiran Coordinate Selector to Ice Warrior Hive loot table
- [ ] Osiran Generator Loop now spawns inside Osiran Pyramids
- [ ] Added new monitor GUI
- [ ] Adjusted stats of dalekanium tools and armor to match those of diamond, barring knockback resistance and durability, which resemble those of netherite and iron, respectively
- [ ] Laser charges can now be found in the workshop on Gallifrey
- [ ] Sontarans now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Cybermen now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Increased chances of Daleks dropping laser charges
- [ ] Daleks now drop 0-3 laser charges
- [ ] Time Lord Guards now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Ice Warriors now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Autons now drop 0-2 laser charges
- [ ] Gallifrey is now always available in the Dimension Selector, but you will be unable to land unless the corresponding advancement is complete
- [ ] Changed TARDIS forcefield texture
- [ ] TARDIS forcefield now glows
- [ ] Updated model and texture for Dalek Time Strategist
- [ ] Changed Fast Return’s “coordinates set” message to “Fast Return initiated”
- [ ] Fixed Kerblam! logo not rendering
- [ ] Updated texture for Temporal Weapons Dalek
- [ ] Updated texture for Lego TARDIS exterior
- [ ] Decommissiontardis command could be used without server OP
- [ ] Tardisdoorposition command could be used without server OP
- [ ] Removed potion dispenser in 14th/15th Doctor’s interior
- [ ] Fixed eyestalk texture on Glider and Time Strategist Daleks
- [ ] Fixed back texture on Dalek Cannon
- [ ] Demat Gun no longer gives invisibility to targets in Creative mode
- [ ] Various fixes to Osiran Pyramid
- [ ] Various fixes to Dalek Fighter
- [ ] Fixed incorrect seat positioning of Bessie
- [ ] Fixed laser model being uncentered
- [ ] Fixed lasers bouncing off their target
- [ ] Fixed spacesuit boots having 2 armor points
- [ ] Fixed Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver display in GUIs
- [ ] All sounds are now in mono format
UPDATE 8 (56 additions)
- [ ] Glass Dalek Casing
- [ ] Alien Emerald Block (commands only)
- [ ] How do I get to Gallifrey?
- [ ] War
- [ ] Added new model and texture for Tennant exterior (default police box)
- [ ] Smith
- [ ] Gallifrey (access granted by killing the Time War Dalek Emperor)
- [ ] Gallifrey Citadel (3500 ~ 3500)
- [ ] Gallifrey Barn
- [ ] Gallifrey Ruin 1
- [ ] Gallifrey Ruin 2
- [ ] Gallifrey Ruin 3
- [ ] UNIT Outpost (desert)
- [ ] Timelord Collar
- [ ] Timelord Staser
- [ ] Dalek Cannon
- [ ] Demat Circuit
- [ ] Demat Gun
- [ ] Time Lord
- [ ] Time Lady
- [ ] Time Lord Guard
- [ ] Shabogan (male and female)
- [ ] Glider Dalek
- [ ] Spider Dalek
- [ ] Temporal Weapons Dalek
- [ ] Berserker Dalek
- [ ] Eternity Circle Dalek
- [ ] Time Strategist Dalek
- [ ] UNIT Soldier (hire with emeralds)
- [ ] UNIT Medic (hire with emeralds)
- [ ] “excellent” ambient sound for Earthshock Cybermen
- [ ] The Long Way Round
- [ ] Back of the Neck!
- [ ] CyberMasters now only spawn on Gallifrey
- [ ] CyberMasters now attack and convert Timelords and Shabogans
- [ ] Time War Dalek Emperor no longer despawns on Peaceful difficulty
- [ ] Retextured Ancient Tech
- [ ] Renamed Explosive Dalek Gunstick to Dalek Cannon
- [ ] Added model for Dalek Cannon
- [ ] Added Dalek Cannon to Creative Inventory (dropped by Temporal Weapons Dalek)
- [ ] Renamed Police Box exterior to Tennant
- [ ] Dalek gunstick now uses the bow animation
- [ ] Fixed Y calculator not working on Mondas
- [ ] Fixed Time War Dalek Emperor trying to spawn Daleks when no players are near
- [ ] Fancy a week in ancient Mesopotamia?
- [ ] Next time would it kill you to knock!?
- [ ] I’ve had many faces, many lives
- [ ] No more
- [ ] It’s nothing. It’s just a wolf
- [ ] The interface is hot!
- [ ] Stuck between a girl and a box. Story of your life, eh Doctor?
- [ ] we’re gonna need a new horse
- [ ] Oi! You! Are you science-y?
- [ ] I’ve always wanted to meet someone called Yes
- [ ] Oops! I’m wearing sand shoes
- [ ] Fez incoming!
UPDATE 7 (49 additions)
- [ ] Slitheen egg
- [ ] Tribophysical Waveform Macro-Kinetic Extrapolator
- [ ] Shield Control
- [ ] Hologram
- [ ] Ainley Roundels
- [ ] Shields (keeps out enemies)
- [ ] Bad Wolf
- [ ] Scream of the Shalka
- [ ] Dalek Mothership (Skaro, spawns at 1000 250 1000)
- [ ] Ancient Tech
- [ ] Remembrance Dalek Eyestalk
- [ ] Time War Emperor’s Guard Dalek
- [ ] Time War Dalek Emperor (Boss)
- [ ] Auton
- [ ] Added “stay where you are” ambient sound for Time War Daleks
- [ ] Added many new sounds for 60s Dalek variants
- [ ] Added many new sounds for Renegade and Imperial Daleks
- [ ] Teab’s Doctor Who Mod
- [ ] Extremely Cool
- [ ] Doesn’t Work on Wood
- [ ] Exterminate!
- [ ] I am Your Soldier
- [ ] Demolitions Expert
- [ ] Cyber-Bully
- [ ] Affirmative, Master!
- [ ] Cheap and Nasty Time Travel
- [ ] More than a Machine
- [ ] It’s Bigger on the Inside!
- [ ] The Dead Planet
- [ ] We Meet at Last
- [ ] The Time War Ends, or is it Just Beginning
- [ ] A Grave Mistake
- [ ] Is That It?
- [ ] Slitheen now drop arrows and slime, rotten flesh (rare) and Slitheen egg (rarer)
- [ ] Welcome message now only plays once
- [ ] Almost all Daleks now have glowing eyes and lights
- [ ] Almost all Cybermen now have glowing eyes or chest units
- [ ] Yeti, Kerblam! Man, and Wrarth Warrior now have glowing eyes
- [ ] Vortex manipulator’s “locate rift” function now announces the rift’s coordinates in chat
- [ ] Vortex manipulator cooldown decreased to 30 seconds
- [ ] Fixed sonic blaster model incorrect positioning in hand
- [ ] Fixed Silurian fins texture
- [ ] Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?
- [ ] Do you mind not farting while I’m saving the world?
- [ ] Raxacoricofallapatorius!
- [ ] Just this once, everybody lives!
- [ ] They’re made of plastic. Living plastic creatures!
- [ ] Nice to meet you; run for your life!
- [ ] Slightly psychic!
- [ ] Is that a technical term, “jiggery-pokery”?
UPDATE 6 (42 additions)
- [ ] Handles play <MusicDisc>
- [ ] Direction control (commands only, WIP)
- [ ] Organ
- [ ] Rebuilt coral interior to be larger
- [ ] Mondas (frozen above Y50. Wear a fur coat to survive on the surface!)
- [ ] Mondasian Ruins (4 variants)
- [ ] Underground City (Mondas, spawns at 1000 1000)
- [ ] Cybermat
- [ ] Cyberdrone (commands only, WIP)
- [ ] Cyber Rider (neutral)
- [ ] Cybus Cyberleader
- [ ] Earthshock Cyberleader
- [ ] Cybus Cyberlord
- [ ] Cybus Cybercontroller
- [ ] Patient
- [ ] Earthshock Cybercontroller
- [ ] Invasion Cyberman
- [ ] Invasion Cyberleader
- [ ] Tomb Cybercontroller
- [ ] Warrior Cyberman
- [ ] Cybermaster
- [ ] Cybershade (converts animals)
- [ ] Lone Cyberman
- [ ] Changed stattenheim remote recipe
- [ ] Changed all sonic screwdriver recipes
- [ ] Swapped elytra in TARDIS recipe for an end crystal
- [ ] Adjusted the speed of all Cyber mobs (some faster, some slower)
- [ ] Manual flight tag is now disabled by default
- [ ] TARDIS interiors now feature natural lighting
- [ ] Changed the brightness of some roundels
- [ ] TARDIS exterior no longer shows a name tag
- [ ] Renamed Meep Fur to Fur
- [ ] Thal Camp, Dalek Outpost, Dalek Fighter, and Zygon Ship now spawn with structure voids
- [ ] Increased rarity of Christmas Town
- [ ] New textures for all Cybus Cybermen
- [ ] Fixed missing portion of Moonbase Cyberman texture
- [ ] Player no longer takes space suffocation, radiation, or freezing damage while in manual flight
- [ ] I waited for you…
- [ ] I’m cold. I’m so cold…
- [ ] I did my duty for Queen and country!
- [ ] We are the future…
- [ ] Excellent!
- [ ] Upgrade in progress…
UPDATE 5 (31 additions)
- [ ] Handles (can be held or placed down. Type “Handles what can you do?” for a full list of his dialogue and features. Must have him in-hand or placed near you in order to respond)
- [ ] “Weeping Angel in Ground” Block (spawns an angel when walked on)
- [ ] Crack anvils
- [ ] Lock chests
- [ ] Disarm trapped chests
- [ ] Trenzalore
- [ ] Christmas Town (Trenzalore)
- [ ] Dalek fighter (Trenzalore)
- [ ] Zygon ship (Trenzalore)
- [ ] Dalek eyestalk (with overlay)
- [ ] Top hat
- [ ] Cyberiad Cyberman
- [ ] Armored Sontaran
- [ ] Silence
- [ ] Yeti
- [ ] Wooden Cyberman
- [ ] Whisperman
- [ ] Slitheen
- [ ] Fourth Doctor’s Secondary console room now features functional doorway
- [ ] Petrified blocks now behave and sound like stone
- [ ] Daleks now have a rare chance to drop eyestalks
- [ ] Replaced spyglass in Ironside recipe with dalek eyestalk
- [ ] TARDIS Coord Selector GUI now features a “get current coords” button
- [ ] Added Davison roundel door item texture
- [ ] Furnaces used in the TARDIS now have a chance of bringing the smelted food back to life
- [ ] Added texture for reinforced space suit
- [ ] TARDIS spawn item not working correctly when used on Mars or The Moon
- [ ] Fast return drops you into the void if you use it without first traveling anywhere
- [ ] Fixed coordinate selector not generating in the Fourth Doctor’s main console room
- [ ] Fixed y calculator not working correctly in custom dimensions
- [ ] Fixed TARDIS exterior door unable to be opened when the player was within six blocks (making it cumbersome in creative mode and impossible in survival mode)
UPDATE 4 (55 additions)
- [ ] Hartnell Storage Roundel
- [ ] Davison Storage Roundel
- [ ] Capaldi Storage Roundel
- [ ] Kerblam! Box
- [ ] Gravestone
- [ ] New monitor GUI with animated screen
- [ ] Weather Selector
- [ ] Cobblestone
- [ ] LEGO (made by NexusEnder)
- [ ] Thal Camp (Skaro)
- [ ] Dalek City (Skaro)
- [ ] Moonbase (Moon)
- [ ] Osiran Pyramid (Mars)
- [ ] Ice Warrior Hive (Mars)
- [ ] Sontaran Pod (Overworld)
- [ ] Carrot juice
- [ ] Judicial wig
- [ ] Fez
- [ ] Bow tie
- [ ] Gas Mask (removes poison)
- [ ] Mallet
- [ ] Vashta Nerada (spawn in roofed forests and jungles in light levels of 0. Size depends on difficulty)
- [ ] Wrarth Warriors
- [ ] Empty Child
- [ ] Empty Villager
- [ ] Kerblam! Man
- [ ] Grate slabs now use the chain sound set
- [ ] Moonbase Cyberman ambient sound “you shall be like us”
- [ ] Right click to open the tardis exterior door, then walk in to enter
- [ ] TARDIS exterior hitbox will now only be solid when materialized
- [ ] Added opening doors for all TARDIS exteriors
- [ ] Dalek Outposts and Cyberships are now 3x rarer
- [ ] Graveyards are now twice as rare
- [ ] Renamed “Dalekanium” item to Dalekanium ingot
- [ ] When teleporting to a Rift, you will now spawn inside it
- [ ] Overhauled the Chameleon Circuit GUI (now has a visual preview of the chosen exterior, and a confirm button)
- [ ] Added dozens of new splash texts
- [ ] Beep the Meep now flees from Wrarth Warriors on sight
- [ ] Coffee machine now requires sugar
- [ ] Ice Warriors now drop blue ice
- [ ] Cybermen now have a chance of dropping 0-2 rotten flesh, and rarely 0-2 iron ingots
- [ ] Fur coat now protects against powder snow
- [ ] Weeping angels can now take your TARDIS key when they touch you, and will drop it upon death
- [ ] Weeping angels no longer despawn
- [ ] Weeping angels now only spawn near gravestones
- [ ] Graveyards now only generate with gravestone blocks
- [ ] Dead Planet Daleks no longer spawn outside of their city
- [ ] Emperor’s Guard Daleks no longer spawn outside of their city
- [ ] Thals no longer spawn underground
- [ ] Hand Mines now only spawn on petrified grass
- [ ] Slythers now only spawn on petrified grass, dirt, or stone
- [ ] Main fluid on Mars is now water instead of mercury
- [ ] Sontarans can now spawn no matter the light level
- [ ] TARDIS interior now spawns you facing forward when you enter
- [ ] Daleks and Cybermen can now float in water
- [ ] Cyberships no longer spawn in the ground
- [ ] Fixed eyestalk texture on movie red, red supreme, and Ironside Daleks
- [ ] War sonic recipe crafts 8's
- [ ] 15’s sonic recipe crafts 14's
- [ ] Added Ironside recipe
- [ ] Coord panel works outside tardis
- [ ] Fixed spacesuit leggings recipe
UPDATE 3 (51 additions)
- [ ] Dalekanium Block
- [ ] Dalekanium Control Panel (emits redstone when right clicked with a Dalek sucker)
- [ ] TARDIS Coral block
- [ ] Rift Block (unbreakable, will be used to charge the TARDIS)
- [ ] Rift (located via the Vortex Manipulator. Contains Rift Blocks (used to heal the TARDIS) and TARDIS coral (used to craft the TARDIS)
- [ ] Dalek Outpost (Skaro)
- [ ] Small Cybership (Moon)
- [ ] Graveyard (Overworld)
- [ ] Dalekanium Scrap (combine 4 with 4 Skaro Stone to make an ingot)
- [ ] Dalekanium Ingot
- [ ] Dalekanium Toolset
- [ ] Dalekanium Armor Set (wear full set to gain slow falling and night vision)
- [ ] Food cubes
- [ ] Dalek Sucker
- [ ] Fish fingers
- [ ] Jelly Babies
- [ ] TARDIS Coral (used to craft TARDIS Shell)
- [ ] TARDIS Shell
- [ ] Meep Fur
- [ ] Fur Coat
- [ ] Celery (cures poison and wither. Found in Dalek Outposts)
- [ ] Ironside Spawn Item
- [ ] Movie Dalek Blue (Can take items from the player with its claw. On hard difficulty, can cut down doors)
- [ ] Movie Dalek Red (Can take items from the player with its claw. On hard difficulty, can cut down doors)
- [ ] Movie Dalek Black (Can take items from the player with its claw. On hard difficulty, can cut down doors)
- [ ] Bomber Dalek (explodes on contact)
- [ ] Exxilon Dalek (has rapid-fire weapon)
- [ ] Sea Devil
- [ ] Ironside ambient sound “would you care for some tea?”
- [ ] Bessie horn (press R while riding)
- [ ] TARDIS Console sounds
- [ ] Space suit
- [ ] Reinforced Space suit (1 piece + it’s iron armor equivalent)
- [ ] All Invasion Daleks no longer spawn on Skaro
- [ ] Dead planet Daleks no longer spawn in the Overworld
- [ ] Adjusted sawn rate of drone daleks on Skaro
- [ ] All Daleks now have a random chance of dropping 0-2 rotten flesh, 0-1 Dalekanium scraps, and a Dalek gunstick or sucker
- [ ] Food machine is now functional
- [ ] Vortex Manipulator now features “locate rift” button
- [ ] Replaced beacon in TARDIS recipe with TARDIS shell
- [ ] Replaced recovery compass in Vortex Manipulator recipe with a beacon, as it is now necessary to make a TARDIS
- [ ] All 60’s Daleks now use the Paralysis laser type
- [ ] Paralysis and Cushing laser types now emit smoke
- [ ] Silurians now primarily spawn underground
- [ ] Cybermen can now break doors when on hard difficulty
- [ ] All Daleks now attack Thals
- [ ] Added a new title screen and splashes by Maketendo (ensure that “mod resources” is at the top of your resource packs list)
- [ ] Retextured all TARDIS controls
- [ ] Added DW Foods creative tab
- [ ] Renamed Bessie Spawn Item to Bessie
- [ ] Ironsides no longer spawn naturally
- [ ] Customization control and flight panel are no longer functional outside of the TARDIS
- [ ] TT CAPSULE was not capitalized in chameleon GUI
- [ ] Fixed TARDIS, K-9, and Bessie spawners not consuming the item
UPDATE 2 (55 additions)
- [ ] Capaldi Rotor Blue
- [ ] Moon Rock
- [ ] Mars Sand
- [ ] Skaro grass
- [ ] Skaro dirt
- [ ] Petrified wood type
- [ ] Petrified Magnedon
- [ ] Landmine
- [ ] TNT ignition
- [ ] Crack bricks
- [ ] Turn ores into ingots
- [ ] Sand to glass (normal and red)
- [ ] Glass pane breaking now plays sound and makes particles
- [ ] Landmine detonation
- [ ] Manual flight
- [ ] Oak tree
- [ ] Time Spruce (Maketendo)
- [ ] Chronometer (AddieDaBaddie)
- [ ] The Cylinder (We Stan Krang)
- [ ] Mars
- [ ] Revamped Skaro
- [ ] Second Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Third Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Fourth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Eighth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] War Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Twelfth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Fourteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Fifteenth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver
- [ ] Spacesuit
- [ ] Reinforced Spacesuit
- [ ] Robot Mummy
- [ ] Ice Warrior
- [ ] Zygon
- [ ] Thal (male)
- [ ] Thal (female)
- [ ] Silurian
- [ ] Hand Mine
- [ ] Varga Plant
- [ ] Bessie
- [ ] Slyther
- [ ] Weeping Angel
- [ ] Moonbase Cyberman
- [ ] Sontaran
- [ ] K9 laser
- [ ] 60’s Dalek lasers
- [ ] K-9 now takes damage when in water
- [ ] You now have jump boost and slow falling on the moon, and will take damage without a spacesuit
- [ ] You will now take radiation damage on Skaro without a spacesuit
- [ ] Added Planet Blocks creative tab
- [ ] Added petrified trees and roses to Skaro
- [ ] Fixed demat lever still being partially functional when coords are set to 0 0 0
- [ ] Fixed rain on the moon
- [ ] Fixed stattenheim remote not working in custom dimensions
- [ ] Fixed TARDIS GUI flickering
- [ ] Fixed interior doors bugging when tardis was initially placed in a custom dimension
UPDATE 1 (56 additions)
- [ ] Glass monitor
- [ ] Coffee machine
- [ ] Liquid mercury
- [ ] Chameleon Circuit
- [ ] Waypoints (shift-right-click the coord panel to access)
- [ ] Dematerialization
- [ ] Christmas Police Box
- [ ] Door
- [ ] Bricks
- [ ] Phone Booth
- [ ] Chest
- [ ] TT Capsule
- [ ] Teab02 V1 interior
- [ ] Teab02 V2 interior
- [ ] Skaro
- [ ] The Moon
- [ ] Coffee
- [ ] Emperor’s Guard Dalek
- [ ] Masterplan Supreme Dalek
- [ ] Renegade Supreme Dalek
- [ ] Ironside Dalek (tameable)
- [ ] Invasion Dalek
- [ ] Invasion Pilot Dalek
- [ ] Invasion Supreme Dalek
- [ ] Time War Supreme Dalek
- [ ] Beep the Meep (neutral)
- [ ] Earthshock Cyberman
- [ ] Cyberman stomp
- [ ] Remembrance Dalek laser
- [ ] TARDIS hum
- [ ] Cyberman ambient sounds
- [ ] Dalek ambient sounds
- [ ] Dalek movement sound
- [ ] Door lock and unlock
- [ ] TARDIS demat
- [ ] TARDIS remat
- [ ] K9 spawn item
- [ ] Updated TARDIS recipe
- [ ] Updated vortex manipulator recipe
- [ ] TARDIS Exterior hit box is now solid, like a block
- [ ] TARDIS exterior hit box is now 2 blocks tall
- [ ] Changed desktop selector to customization control
- [ ] Added customization GUI
- [ ] Added Desktop selection GUI
- [ ] Added Chameleon Circuit GUI
- [ ] Increased Dalek attack interval to 2 seconds
- [ ] Increased Special Weapons Dalek attack interval to 5 seconds
- [ ] Vortex manipulator now has a 1 minute cooldown
- [ ] Vortex manipulator now has 30 durability
- [ ] Sonic screwdrivers now work on iron doors
- [ ] Adjusted sonic screwdriver size in GUI and in first person
- [ ] TARDIS interior now has its own biome
- [ ] K9 no longer spawns naturally
- [ ] K9 spawn egg changed to spawn item
- [ ] Dead planet daleks now paralyze whatever they shoot
- [ ] Fourth and Fifth Doctors’ interiors now contain glass monitors
- [ ] Control functionality now depends on whether the TARDIS is dematerialized
- [ ] The TARDIS now disappears when dematerialized
- [ ] 10 exp levels are now required to access interior changing
- [ ] TARDIS exterior surplus now resets when the entity dies
- [ ] Lava pools and ore veins no longer spawn in the TARDIS dimension