- Fix some statues not being able to generate loot while they should
- Fix the S.T.A.T.U.E table not dropping its content when broken
- Add a chance to get an egg from a looting upgraded Chicken Statue
- Fix a potential bug where villagers always drop the same statue instead of a random of the 4 variants
- Fix the Statue Bat being scaled down
- Fix the Mob Killer 2 upgrade requirements. The upgrade was expecting a blank enchanted book while it should be any enchanted book.
- Display the upgrade type in the tooltip of the recipe output (JEI)
- Re-enable Curios support
- Re-add Patchouli and Cactus Mod optional dependency
- Add a config option
that force certain Statue upgrades to require power to function. (Looting, Spawning, Despawning and Killer)
- Fix the Statue Bat model rendering incorrectly
- Fix Tadpole statue rendering funky in world
- Stop Tadpole and Endermite statue from being upgrading with Looting / Automation
- Don't allow upgrading when the statue is already upgraded to the max for that upgrade
- Fix Bumbo statue placement causing a crash
- Update to 1.21.1
- Hopefully Fix Player Statue rendering
- Fix Jade crashing upon trying to render the stats of a special placed statue
- Fix the loot table of the Rabbit Statues
- Allow placed Sheep Statues to be dyed (retaining their upgrades)
- Add Jade support
- Re-enable REI support
- Fix upgraded statues losing their upgrade upon being placed and broken
- Fix the tag used in the hardcore
Player Statue
- Supply translations for the config
- Update support for NeoForge 21.0.110-beta in-game configs (Which is now the minimum required version)