updated sup compat fixed wild ginger loot table fixed sleds with chests on fabric fixed gingy mounting height fixed ginger loot table fixed gingy giant loot table
fixed sleds recipes
- fixed serene seasons compat being broken on neoforge
- fixed wreath render on fabric
- fixed snow globe loot
- fixed sleds recipes
- made some blocks flammable
- sled chest will now wobble along with the sled
- added missing tags
- fixed chest offset
- fixed chest menu crash
- buffed eggnog values
- fixed glow light shearing
- sniffers can sniff ginger flowers
- ginger pig food
- fixed golem animation
- fixed golem and slead offsets
- other random fixes
updated some translations glow lights can be placed on non solid leaves
ported update 3 (gingy golems update) added a dedicated tag for stuff that can accept glow lights fixed some recipes fixed glow light particles not rendering fixed wreath being rotated with the camera glow lights dont need to be placed on blocks with full collision anymore