- Fixed StructureTemplate entity processing
- Fix CustomParticleIconModel not working with Wrapped Models
- Allow null values for PlaySoundCallback
- Only change the blend mode for render_type
- Add CustomBoatModel
- Fix PlayerAttributesExtensions not being implemented
- Add AddPackFindersEvent deprecate AddPackFindersCallback
- add GuiGraphicsExtension and deprecate methods in ClientHooks in favor of ones in gui_util
- Add FluidInteractionRegistry
- Add MobEffectEvent and deprecate PotionEvents
- Add BaseFlowingFluid
- Partial implementation for BlockToolModificationEvent
- Fix PlayerTickEvents running twice per tick on the server (#117)
- Don't call canAttackBlock twice on block break (fixes debug stick)
- Fix GrindstoneMenuMixin causing issues with specific mappings (#138)
- Fix TAW causing issues with specific mappings (#96)
- Fix CustomDestroyEffectsBlock's inverted behavior
- Deprecated EntityInteractCallback in favor of two new events in PlayerInteractionEvents (#135)
- Improved compatibility of CriticalHitEvent's hooks
This is the final (hopefully) build of Porting Lib for 1.19.
- Fixed compat with FAPI's core shader API
This is the final (hopefully) build of Porting Lib for 1.18.
- fixed releases being published to the snapshot maven
- made RegistryObject load value lazily instead of throwing when accessed early
- fixed config syncing
- added block, gui_utils, and level_events modules
- added EntityEventFactory
- added PieceBeardifierModifier
- handle IEntityAdditionalSpawnData at the same time Forge does, fixes issues with packet ordering
- updated ProjectileImpactEvent
- partially implemented a creative tab API
- added LivingEntityEvents.CHANGE_TARGET
- fixed a crash viewing Porting Lib in Mod Menu
- fixed behavior of LanguageManagerExtensions
- improved compatibility of PlayerEvents.BREAK_SPEED
- added EnumArgument
- adding command: /porting_lib config
Switch to @ModifyVariable to produce better bytecode
- @Inject + @WrapOperation worked but the output was pretty bad, this change does what it used to but in a cleaner way
Switch to @Share
Properly set the field
actually use the render type hint
- improve compatibility with other mods injecting into loot tables
- Improve compatibility with other mods adding attributes to players
- Implement ShieldBlockEvent
- Deprecate all of StructureTemplateExtensions, add StructureTemplateUtils
- Implement shield tool actions
- Fix broken logic in DualSortedSetIterator
- Add debug flag (-DportingLib.debug=true)
- Deprecate LivingEntityEvents.TICK and LivingEntityEvents.ATTACK, replaced with LivingTickEvent and LivingAttackEvent
- Fix EntityEvents.ENTERING_SECTION being fired every tick
- Add LivingDamageEvent and LivingHurtEvent
- Deprecate LivingDeathEvent and LivingEntityEvents.CHECK_SPAWN
- Implement ITeleporter on vanilla's PortalForcer
- Add AttackEntityEvent and NeighborNotifyEvent
- Cleanup of code around CustomParticleIconModel, fix wrong source pos being set for sprint particles