- Added Speaker Block:
- This block can produce sound, by either being connected with Record Player or receiving correct data.
- Supported string data uses format:
, where instrument is Noteblock instrument, pitch is decimal number from 0 to 2 and volume is a number between 0 and 1. - It can also play direct sound data, but there is nothing generating that yet.
- Crafted with Steel Plates, Copper Ingots, Redstone Chip and Jukebox.
- Added Record Player:
- A data provider, that can be used to play Music Discs.
- Doesn't produce sound on it own, needs to be connected to speakers through cables (while pointing at correct channel).
- Crafted with Steel Plates, Copper Ingots, Redstone Chip and Jukebox.
- Added Data Extractor:
- Allows to extract data from more complex data types (items, capacity, etc.).
- Has one input and one output.
- Configured by just clicking on it and providing field name to extract.
- Crafted with Steel Plates, Lapis Lazuli, Redstone Chip and Cable.
- Added Mechanical Ejector:
- Pretty much just a configurable launchpad powered by rotation!
- You can change its strength (from 1 to 3) and angle (from 10 to 75).
- It needs to recharge after use, with time depending on strength.
- Crafted with Steel Places, Wooden Plates, Steel Gear and an Axle.
- Added Blueprint Workbench:
- A new Workbench variant, that acts as a "static recipe template".
- When in world (hovering) item is clicked, it will be crafted from items in player's inventory.
- Crafting pattern is defined by items in the workbench and supports usage of Item Filters for multi-item selection.
- Crafted with a Workbench, a Paper and Blue Dye.
- Added Slot-Aware Funnel:
- A new Funnel variant, that allows you to set which slots items should go into.
- Supports up to 9 different slots, each with own filter (which is set as either Item Filter or just item directly).
- Each slot can target any slot from 0 to 99.
- Crafted with Gold Ingots, Steel Plates, Redstone Chip and a Funnel.
- Data Memory Block improvements:
- It now has separate input and output, with their own channels, instead of single input for reading and writing to it.
- You now need to hold Wrench as cursor item to toggle Data Memory Block item's Read Only state:
- This fixes the Data Memory Block's item being unmovable in inventory.
- Item Filter improvements:
- Item Filters can now match up to 9 different items.
- You can change their strictness (full match or type only) and whatever they work as a whitelist or blacklist.
- Updated texture.
- It's now crafted with Wooden Plates, Iron Ingots and String Mesh.
- Workbench improvements:
- Updated model and texture.
- It now shows items stored in it.
- Mechanical Crafter improvements:
- You can now change active mode of the crafter, which includes:
- "Filled" - Craft only if all slots are filled, matching previous behaviour. Also the default.
- "Always" - Craft as long as the recipe is valid.
- "Powered" - Craft as long as recipe is valid and the crafter is powered.
- "Not Powered" - Craft as long as recipe is valid and crafter isn't powered.
- Added wrench actions to the block.
- You can now change active mode of the crafter, which includes:
- Mechanical Miner now has configurable reach. It's limited to 2 blocks, defaulting to 2 (and 1 for old blocks).
- Mechanical Placer now has configurable reach. It's limited to 2 blocks, defaulting to 1.
- Mechanical Planter can now hold 9 stacks of items (previously could only hold 1).
- New griding recipes:
- Andesite and Diorite into Gravel and 5% chance for Quartz
- Granite into Gravel and 10% chance for Quartz
- Added String Mesh - Crafted from 5 strings, currently only a crafting ingredient.
- Added Block of Steel - Crafted with 9 Steel Ingots, acts as usual compacted block.
- Fixed and improved Copper waxing recipes in Press.
- Improved physics of Dynamite and Sticky Dynamite.
- Drains with Echo Shard will now attract Experience Orbs.
- Splash particles are no longer saved.
- Updated Mechanical Press model and texture.
- Updated Windmill Sail and Cable item textures.
- Split up texture of Funnel block and updated it's model's UV mappings.
- Fan can now be only broken with correct tool.
- Tweaked the look of items on conveyors and similar.
- New advancements for added content.
- Tweaked Axle placement, making it easier to put multiple in single line.
- Fixed Pressure Fluid Gun not working correctly in offhand.
- Fixed Wireless Redstone sounds not working.
- Fixed Vanilla Crafters not having items put into them correctly (acted like regular inventory).
- Fixed upside-down Holograms not being rotated correctly.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Patbox/PolyFactory/compare/0.6.1+1.21.4...0.6.2+1.21.4
- Added Item Packer:
- New block that allows you to add and remove items from Shulker Boxes, bundles and any other storage api compatible item!
- You place/remove the storage item by adding it in front/back of the block.
- All other sides can add/remove items from item's inventory.
- Crafted with Wooden Plates, Steel Plates and a Hopper.
- Added Text Input:
- New data block that allows you to send text data in easy and flexible way.
- When clicked, it will open ui allowing you to input text and then accept sending it.
- Supports multiple input modes: string, integer, decimal and boolean
- Has 1 output.
- Crafted with Steel Plates, Cable, Iron Ingot, Treated Dried Kelp, Redstone Chip and Lightweight (Golden) Pressure Plate.
- Added Data Comparator:
- New data block, that allows you to compare 2 data inputs, getting single output (same as Arithmetic Operator).
- Returns Boolean True or False data, depending on operation set with a wrench.
- Can check if data is
,not equal
,less than
,less or equal
,more than
andmore or equal
. - By default it tries to convert types if they don't match, but you can enable strict mode preventing that.
- This block also emits weak redstone signal in direction of output with power level 15 when returning true and 0 for false.
- Crafted with Steel Plate, Cable, Nether Quartz and Redstone Chip.
- Added Fixture Lamp:
- New variant of Colored Lamp block.
- Has small wall-adjusted hitbox.
- Crafted with a Colored Lamp and any Wooden Plate.
- Added Gated Cable:
- When powered by redstone, it prevents any data to pass through it.
- It doesn't add any delay when sending data.
- Can be inverted with a wrench, only allowing data to pass when powered.
- Crafted with Steel Plate, Cable, Smooth Stone Slab, Redstone and Copper Ingot
- Slime and Honey can now be shot out of Fluid Nozzle / Fluid Pressure Gun.
- Added Slime and Honey splashes.
- They deal no damage, instead giving player Sticky effect.
- Sticky effect makes player movement speed slower by 20%, attack speed by 15% and block breaking by 15%.
- When entity with this effect touches a wall while falling, it will slowly slide on it (similar effect to Honey Block).
- Steel Gears can now be placed like regular blocks, if player has an Axle in inventory (unless creative, where it isn't needed). You can also still place it directly on Axle.
- Nixie Tube Controller, Holographic Display and Arithmetic Operator can now disable channels, making them ignore all inputs.
- Fixed Steel Button top texture not looking correctly.
- Increased damage done by Lava Splash to 2 hearts (from 0.5).
- Increased damage done by Experience Splash x2 (compared to previously).
- Increased change of Crushed Raw Ore doubling from 33% to 40%
- Steel Gears use 3d models when held in hand (2d texture otherwise).
- Changed recipe of Arithmetic Operator and Data Memory to include Cable.
- Boolean Data now returns 15 redstone power for true and 0 for false.
- Increased view range of Colored and Caged Lamps.
- Added Grinder recipe for Wind Charges and Eyeblossom dyes.
- Added Press recipe for Bundle and Mace.
- Added Mixer recipe for dyed Bundle and Shulker Box.
- Added advancements related to new content.
- Changed order of colored items in creative item groups (Variants tab) to match other vanilla items.
- Recipes now use Fabric's Convention tag for Stripped Logs.
- Fixed Funnels pulling items form blocks using Fabric Storage API loosing last stack if the storage becomes empty.
- Fixed Conveyors sometimes deleting items.
- Fixed Splashes shoot through Fluid Nozzle not interacting with owner straight away.
- Fixed Boolean Data returning inverted numbers.
- Added recipes for Throwable and Lingering Glass Bottles. You can make them in the Mechanical Press
- Portable Fluid Tanks can now be rotated with Wrench.
- Changed Mechanical Crafter's gui textures to match vanilla Crafter.
- Fixed Hoppers putting items in wrong slots for Mechanical Drain and Mechanical Spout.
- Fixed shoot out experience not having model.
- Fixed Mechanical Spouts and Mechanical Drains interactions with Conveyors.
- Fixed Conveyors not ticking/updating item display correctly.
- Fixed a crash. Full Changelog: https://github.com/Patbox/PolyFactory/compare/0.4.1+1.21.1...0.4.2+1.21.1
- Increased lava/flame damage when shoot from Nozzle/Pressure Gun
- Fixed bug where some fluids wouldn't render in uis. Full Changelog: https://github.com/Patbox/PolyFactory/compare/0.4.0+1.21.1...0.4.1+1.21.1
- Added new fluid system! This can be used for transport, storage and crafting with fluids.
- Currently available fluids: Water, Lava, Milk, Experience, Snow, Potion (all types), Slime and Honey.
- Added Copper Pipes - Transport fluids anywhere you need them!
- Added Filtered Copper Pipes - filter out fluids, so they go where you need them to!
- Added Copper Pipes with Redstone Valve - Power it to prevent fluid flow or invert it to require power for it!
- Added Mechanical Pumps - Gives fluids a little push (or pull) needed for them to move in the pipes.
- Added Fluid Drains - A block player can use to put or take fluids to/from.
- Added Mechanical Fluid Drains - Automatic Fluid Drain, with limitation that it can't take fluids out.
- Added Mechanical Spout - Easily pour fluids into/onto other items.
- Added Fluid Tanks - Can store up to 6 buckets of fluid per block, while being able to connect with other fluid tanks.
- Added Portable Fluid Tank - Portable version of the tank, which can store up to 4 buckets of fluid. Keeps stored fluids when broken, while still being placeable.
- Added Fluid Nozzle - Shoot out fluids easily, with different effects (similar to sources/base of them).
- Added Pressure Fluid Gun - Portable way to shoot fluids from Portable Fluid Tanks.
- Mechanical Mixers can now store fluids and use them as an ingredient and result of a recipe.
- Added Experience Bucket, Slime Bucket and Honey Bucket.
- Added Brittle Glass Bottle and Brittle Potions - they break after drinking, instead of returning the glass bottle.
- Added Sticky Dynamite - it sticks to walls!
- Added Crispy Honey and Honeyed Apples - new food items.
- Renamed Item Counter to Storage Counter. Item and block id weren't changed to allow for backward compatibility.
- You can now put Cables within wall blocks.
- Mechanical Planters now have increased range of 2 blocks instead of 1. It can be changed with a wrench. Old planters will default to range of 1.
- Clutches can now be inverted - Disconnect both sides unless powered.
- Mobs killed by the Mechanical Miner can now drop XP.
- Mixers heat can now be negative (freezing).
- Heat can now depend on biome.
- New Grinder, Press and Mixer recipes.
- New Advancements related to new and existing content.
- Polydex: Wooden Containers now show how many items they can fit in.
- Tweaked Mechanical Press textures.
- Fixed Dynamite physics not working correctly.
- Fixed some block interactions also triggering item use when they shouldn't (for example placing water with a bucket).
- Fixed some inventories not saving sometimes.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Patbox/PolyFactory/compare/0.4.0-pre.5+1.21...0.4.0+1.21.1
If you want to update you server to Minecraft 1.21.1, use this version as otherwise you will lose some block entity data! Full Changelog: https://github.com/Patbox/PolyFactory/compare/0.4.0-pre.5+1.21...0.4.0-pre.5.1+1.21
- Updated to 1.20.6!
- Full on support for datafixers, allowing for seamless updates from version to version.
- No gameplay changes for now, but there will be some for non pre/beta 0.4.0! Also backup your world before updating just in case!
- Added Arithmetic Operator:
- New "data" block!
- It has two inputs and an output, with all of them having configurable channel and direction, while still allowing overlap.
- Can be used to execute operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Can operate in 4 modes: Integer, Decimal, Boolean and String.
- Can be crafted with 4 Copper Ingots, 4 Steel Plates and 1 Integrated Circuit.
- Added Data Memory Block:
- Another new "data" block!
- It has single connectable side, working as both input and output.
- It can be used to store any type of data.
- By default, any signal it receives overrides stored state, but it can be set to "read only" state with a wrench.
- Breaking it keeps the stored data, allowing you to easily move it.
- You can reset it by putting it in crafting.
- Can be crafted with 4 Gold Ingots, 2 Steel Plates, 2 Copper Plates and 1 Redstone Chip.
- Added Turntable:
- Currently can be used to rotate entities on top of it.
- Crafted with a Wooden Slab and an Axle.
- Added Steel Button:
- Fastest button in the game (5 ticks of activation).
- Crafted with a single Steel Ingot.
- Mechanical Placers can now use items on entities!
- Supports using items such as Shears or Buckets.
- Wrench changes:
- Added "alt actions" to Wrenches:
- Can be used by pressing F / item hand swap key.
- Instead of swapping hands, it will perform alternative action on a block.
- Currently only one available is making direction setting face the player.
- By default falls back to the main action.
- Added translations for many wrench action values!
- Added "alt actions" to Wrenches:
- New crafting materials:
- Copper Plate - 2 Copper Ingots pressed together.
- Redstone Chip - 4 Redstone, 1 Copper Plate and 4 Gold Nuggets
- Recipe changes:
- Steel Gear recipe now gives 3 gears instead of 2.
- Large Steel Gear recipe requires now only a single Steel Ingot instead of two.
- Integrated Circuit now uses Copper Plate instead of Copper Ingot and Redstone Chip instead of Redstone.
- Item Reader, Block Observer, Item Splitter and Mechanical Planter require Redstone Chip instead of Integrated Circuit.
- New textures: Steel Alloy Mixture.
- You can now put Potato on a Spring on your head.
- Tweaked how cables/data is handled:
- Channels now display from 1 to 4 (inclusive) instead of 0 to 3.
- Data is no longer sent instantly, instead it's sent only at the end of the tick.
- This allows to allow concurrent modification/bugs caused by elements that can be received and send the signal.
- This might change behaviour of some existing cable circuits, so make sure to check if things work!
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed Steam Engine consuming lava with the bucket.
- Fixed Steam Engine placement possibly deleting blocks on z-axis.
- Fixed items not dropping when breaking Steam Engine.
- Fixed hopper interactions with Steam Engine.
- Fixed center element of Cable model being offset upwards.
- Fixed specific setups causing server to crash.
- Fixed Hologram Projector's display (internal) offset being reset when it shouldn't.
- Added Tachometer (measures rotations per minute) and Stressometer (measures stress units left):
- Both require connection to some display (Hologram Projector, Nixie Tube) to display their values.
- Added Spray Can:
- It can be used to recolor Cables, Nixie Tubes, Lamps and most vanilla colored blocks.
- You can create it in Mechanical Press with Empty Bucket and Copper Ingot.
- You can fill it with dye by putting it in the inventory (like bundles) or crafting, with 8 charges per dye.
- Reworked general "data provider/receiver blocks" (Item Counter, Nixie Tube Controller, Block Observer, Item Reader, Redstone Input/Output):
- Instead of having single directional input/output, you need to place cable inside of it.
- The cable connects the same way as regular one, excluding the direction data-block is facing.
- Existing blocks will convert to the new ones, without any changes in connection until you change them yourself.
- Improved Hologram Projectors:
- Added option to force everything to display as text.
- Added option to change pitch and yaw aside of just roll of hologram.
- Fixed some bugs with displaying holograms.
- Mechanical Placers can now use selected items on blocks.
- Improved physics of players effected by fans and conveyors.
- Improved placement of Windmills to always point to connected side.
- Added new advancements, pointing to recently added things.
- Hoppers, Redstone Repeater, Redstone Comparator, Dispensers and Droppers can be rotated by using Wrench.
- Added breaking particles to all the blocks that didn't have them.
- All crafting-machines should now work with hoppers.
- Fixed dynamic blocks not having correct visuals sometimes.
- Improved Wrench Action selection.
- Changed multiple textures and models:
- Most notably: Item Splitter, Cables, Wireless Redstone Input/Output, Treated Kelp and Ender-Amethyst Crystal
- Added Wireless Redstone Receiver and Transmitter - allows you to remotely transmit redstone pulses in a range of 64 blocks! Uses 2 item channel system.
- Added Portable Redstone Transmitter - allows you to active Redstone Receivers from your inventory!
- Added Hologram Projector - new display block that can show a hologram of Items/Block/Other data in world! Configurable with a Wrench.
- Added Workbench - Crafting Table that keeps its items after closing. The classic for any modded experience.
- Added Ender Dust and Ender infused Amethyst Shard - new ingredient items.
- Added sounds to Wrench actions.
- Removed recipes for Electric Motor/Generator. Both of these items were unfinished and require extra work.
- Piston movable blocks now move smoothly instead of vanishing.
- Changed crafting behaviour of Mechanical Mixer. It will not try to fill all available slots.
- Tweaked existing recipes and added few new ones!
- Added Clutch. It works like an Axle, but when powered with redstone it disconnects both sides from each other.
- Added Crushed Raw Iron/Gold/Copper. They can be smelted into regular ingots. You get them by grinding raw ores, from which you get 1-2 of them.
- Mechanical Miners can attack entities now.
- Improved the Polydex recipe support.
- Tweaked textures of dynamite and lamps.
- Tweaked recipes of dynamite.
- Translations got moved to https://crowdin.com/project/patbox-mods (for all my mods, not just this one).
- Added throwable Dynamite item.
- Improved status display and ui for Mechanical Mixer.
- Added Netherrack Dust and Gunpowder recipe.
- Model and texture tweaks and fixes.
- Compressed all asset files, making them take less space.
- Italian translation by CamperSamu