- fix multiblock doesn't assembly with candidates in some cases
- add kube js events
- fix dedicated server crash while loading the kinetic machines
- fix crash that some stupid mods try to drain the
- fix fluid filter require specific amount
- fix geckolib model offset
- add mekanism heat condition
- fix item candidates randomly output
- add item durability recipe capability.
- add create rpm recipe capability.
- add custom render layer for flywheel instance
- remove duplicated nodes.
- fix couldn't load previous project's recipe settings.
- disable copy of non multiple traits
- add recipe logic settings
- fix create multiblock generator infinite rotation
- add a node to deserialize a recipe to nbt
- add an option for geckolib renderer to automatically
Schedule State Animation
without the node graph. - add multiblock debugger mod to tell why a multiblock is not assembling
- machines formed with a catalyst candidate, will back to the original block when it is unformed
- add a drop machine item option (when broken)
- machines formed with a catalyst candidate will drop the original block now
- add catalyst displays for multiblock xei page
- add xei lookup button.
- fix multiblock formed issue
- fix create generator keep working after broken
- improve aura handler icon
- fix ember/pressure-air ui progress bar
- add machine sound (you can set sound for each machine state)
- fix ember trait doesn't work
- fix multiblock crash with working recipe while loading world in some cases.
- add reload recipe type project command
- add item traits support auto suck from/drop to the world
- remove the y axis facing options for multiblock controller
- fix falling particle for the dedicated server
- some minor fixes
- output random items while the output ingredient is a tag.
- fix create machine incorrect rotation connection
- add ja_jp translation (thanks to @A8T1N)
- add Nature's Aura - aura (not test yet)
- add Pneumatic Craft - pressure / air (not test yet)
- add Embers - ember (not test yet)
- fix event node graph doesn't work in some cases
- fix kjs recipe functions
- fix server crash
- bump up the ldlib
- better usability
- fix node graph bugs
- add block tag predicate
- fluid/item/entity tag configurators use the search component instead
- add machine data condition
- add zh_cn translation (thanks to @FalAut)
- add proxy part slot names by pattern settings
- add entity recipe/trait capability (not tested yet, may unstable)
- add recipe damping value to control damping value (decreased ticks of the current progress) of the waiting state
- fix mark as dirty not in the server thread
- fix crash while set up a mek chemical filter
- improve progress widget number round
- fix recipe serialization bug while joining the world
- fix in-world preview not disappearing after a timeout (thanks to @andriihorpenko)
- Enhanced auto build feature to support fluid placement (thanks to @andriihorpenko)