- fixed Dragonfly hitbox
- remade cost for rebrewing potions
- fixed inserting crops into cropressor
- added tipped arrows from rebrewed lingering potions
- ton of new SFX
- fixed hand animations for blocks
- fixed cropressor crashing the game
- fixed placement of dyespria
- Fixed Giant crop rendering again
- Made compatible with neoforge again
- Fixed bonmeelia plantable outside farmland
- Fixed bees being atracted to air
- Fixed consumables consumed in creative
- Fixed multiple hand animations
- Fixed servers not joinable
- Fixed Rebrewing stand softlocking your world when using modded potions
- Fixed dyespria not saving correctly
- Made dyesria shearable, making the dye invisible
- Added hand animation when placing dyespria
- Breaking dyespria now drops its dye separately
- Fixed the armor trim crafting recipe
This update makes old giant crops invisible and old ambushes dissapear, please don't report this as a bug, replacing them should fix it
TLDR: Remade almost everything
- Rebrewing stand
- Cropressor
- Cropressed crops of every type
- Armor trims for every crop
- Trim material for every crop
- Bottle o'Extraction
- Dyespria as a block
- Bonmeelia growth stages
- Giant crop growth animations
- Dragonfly is now a throwable
- Sniffer now hatches and grows twice as fast
- New advancements
- Custom creative tab GUI (can be disabled using built-in resourcepack)
- Remade Amber loottable to be more interesting
- Giant crops now drop cropressor pieces, cropressed crops, armor trims, and their oddites (those that are added)
- Bunch of retextures: Amber, Giant Netherwart, Giant Carrot, Caulorflower (slightly), Dragonfly
- Ambush Growth and breaking speed
- Giant crops now break way slower and their effective tools are hoes and axes
- Made more stuff compostable
- Ambush should no longer become triple randomly
- Fully grown Ambushes should be harvestable again
- Plants should work on modded farmland
- Plants should be destroy when farmland below them gets trampled
- Ambushes will no longer drop multiple seeds
- Jar of bonemeel should be useable with right-click harverst mods
- Caulorflower should be bone-mealable again and should use the correct color
- Giant crops should z-fight less
- Dyespria should no longer crash your game when running out of dye
Same as neoforge but forgo the funny death death message because I (Nikdo53) hate fun
- Fixed dyespria duplicating and recoloring dye
- Fixed dyespria deleting non-dye items when right-clicking
- Made dyespria less annoying by not having to empty it before switching to a different dye
- Added particles for: ambush, caulorflower, bonmeelia and the giant crops
- Added funny death message
Known issues:
- dyespria sometimes refuses to work, removing and readding the dye fixes it
- using commands to get content from the next update crashes the game
- sniffer drops modified
- giant crops drops modified
- Jar Of Bonmeel tooltip added
- other bugs
- Bonmeelia - plant producing jars of bonmeel
- Bonmeel - used for turning 3x3 grids of crops giant
- Giant forms for: Netherwart, Carrot, Potato, Beetroot, Wheat,
- Fixed dawnberry not being bone mealable to the final growth stage
[Issue 3] https://github.com/AbraXator/MoreSnifferFlowers/issues/3
- lowered amber and caulorflower breaking speed
- dyespria craftable
- new advancements
- cauloflower growing slower
- caulorflower - a colorable plant
- dyespria - tool used to dye flower(s)
- fixed sniffer dropping more seeds
- added translation
- fixed aroma trim not having vanilla materials
- Fix crash caused by the absence of RefMap
- Ambush
- Amber
- Armor Trim
- Banner Pattern
- Armor Trim Material
- Dragonfly
Current version 1.0.1 - 1.20+
Loot table for seeds is trough GLM instead of overwriting vanilla fileFirst release!