Meadow 1.3.14
- Fixed FlowerBox BlockfaceCulling
- Fixed WoodenBucket not working with Powder Snow / Modded Fluids
- Fixed Config not generating
- Fixed "Welcome to Meadow" Advancement
Meadow 1.3.13
- Fixed: Forge crash on startup
Meadow 1.2.13
- Fixed missing loottable for Rocky Bed
- Fixed missing Cheese break particles
- Fixed missing loottable for Pine Wall Hanging Sign and Pine Wall Sign
- Fixed FuelRegistry
- Fixed an NPE when interacting with an empty CheeseRack
- Fixed a duplication bug when removing Fire Logs
- Temporarily removed meadow village due to generation issues
Meadow 1.3.12
- Fixed an NPE when coming close to a Meadow Village
Meadow 1.3.11
- Fixed Conditional Recipes for Vinery and BloomingNature
- Fixed StackRemainder for Cooking Cauldron
Meadow 1.3.10
- Fixed a Config Issue
Meadow 1.3.9
- Updated to DoAPI 1.2.10
- Reworked Highland Cattles
- Reworked Buffalos
- Reworked Sheeps
- Fixed a Rendering Issue when using Meadow together with MoreMobVariants
Meadow 1.3.8
- Fixed Dark Cow Texture Artifacts
- Fixed WateringCan
- Fixed CompostableRegistry (again)
Meadow 1.3.7
- Updated DoAPI to 1.2.9
Meadow 1.3.6
- Fixed an Issue where pine saplings won't grow
- Fixed an Issue where you got the wrong milk after milking a warped cow
- Fixed an Issue where you haven't being able to open any GUI when standing next to a Cauldron