Port to 1.19.2
- Add config: normal/aiming_is_centered
- Now use Cloth Config API to build config screen for fabric version
- No config screen for forge version by now, but you can modify config file manually. When trying to open config screen, config file will be reloaded
- Add config: Centered when flying
- Auto switch to aiming mode when holding some items
- ender_pearl
- snowball
- egg
- splash_potion
- lingering_potion
- experience_bottle
- Wrong smooth factor when adjusting camera
- Can only swim forward
- Flashes when camera is close to player
- Add config: Enable auto rotate when interecting. #4
- Add config: How to rotate when interecting. #26
Fix bugs
- Camera is still moving when game paused
- Add key: toggle mod enable
- Add config: turn with camera when enter first person
- Add config: smooth factors about adjusting camera
- Now you can set smooth factor in range of [0, 1]
Fix bug
- Camera choppiness when moving (again)
Hide bugs
- swimming to directions other than forward
Add features
- add config: lock pitch angle of camera
- Let player invible when camera close enough to player
Fix bugs
- camera choppiness when moving
- Use Architectury
- Use YACL to generate config screen
- Add Modmenu support for fabric version
- Add key binding to open config screen
- Ignore tall grass similar blocks when aiming
- Use dedicated smooth factor when flying with elytra
- Add config:
#22 - Add config:
- Add config:
- Can only run forward #20
- Camera go through wall