- Fixed the mod not working at all on NeoForge
- Fixed Totem of Undying resulting in instant death
- Added support for Inventory Totem mod
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21.2
Fixed crash on Forge
Fixed disableInSingleplayer also disabling the mod on LAN servers
Changed default of disableInSingleplayer to false to avoid confusion when people test the mod
Added instantDeathSources option to control which damage sources kill the player without a K.O. period
- Reduced default rescueDistance to 3 instead of 5
- Require Line of Sight for rescuing to initiate
- Require the player to be looking towards the downed player for rescuing to initiate
- Fixed disableInSingleplayer also disabling the mod on LAN servers
- Changed default of disableInSingleplayer to false to avoid confusion when people test the mod
- Added instantDeathSources option to control which damage sources kill the player without a K.O. period
- Updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
- Fixed incorrect config comment for instantDeathSources option
- Fixed disableInSingleplayer also disabling the mod on LAN servers
- Changed default of disableInSingleplayer to false to avoid confusion when people test the mod