- update to gtm 1.6.1
- fix crash with gtm 1.5.4
- fix XEI issue
- update to gtm 1.5.2
- update to gtm 1.5.0
- Fix crash when enableHarderNaquadahLine is set to false
- remake catalyst system
- update gtm to 1.4.4
- update gtm to 1.4.1
- fix chemical plant ui
- add icon for precision assembly
- fix large dehydrator oc
- bug fix for jei
- remake chemical plant to fix issues
- update to gtm 1.4
- Fixed Chemical Plant recipes all claim bronze casing tier #17
- Fixed Can't join the server after updating gtceu-1.20.1-1.3.0-a/1.3.1 #15
update to 1.21
update to gtm 1.3
- fix NeutronActivator relative issues
- add bedrock ores like gtnh
- fix LargeNaquadahReactor can't use
fix crush without ad!astra
update to gtm 1.2.2