port to 1.20.2
1.18.2 backport!
fixed bagus data null
fixed head cosmetic(such as pumpkin and banner)
fixed cooldown tick
add brain utils!
fixed EntityCameraMessage.class not register
backport to 1.19.2
loot_table util add!
tweeked animation goal
add ManyAnimatedAttackGoal
camera tweek about entity camera holder(camera shake now follow entity)
refactor AnimatedAttackGoal class
little animation fix again(sorry)
little melee animation fix
Introduct for.... AnimatedAttackGoal!
This util should be helpfull for attack ai with animation!(coming in frostrealm!)
add LoopableAnimationTime and change AnimationTime code
fixed server crash
update patreon system
camera event util support server util
delete unused utils