- Add "Afk Kick" functionality
- Added additional handling to allow "afkTimeoutString" to be set to ""
- Adds "displayDuration" configuration setting to Enable/Disable the "AFK Duration" information.
- Added Lucko Permissions API fork version 0.3
- Added more colors.
- Added bypassSleepCount
- Added bypassPhantomSpawn
- Added /noafk command
- Adds checks for Spectator Mode
- Adds /afkex and /afkplus ex commands to show a list of example PlaceholderAPI formatting nodes that a player can use. They can also click on them to "Copy/Paste" the nodes into a message.
- Adds a handful of custom color nodes such as brown, cyan, lime, magenta, purple, salmon, etc
- [BUG] Fixes desync when players join / rejoin with Disable Damage enabled.