~ recoloured entire oak palette
^ recoloured crafting table
~ recoloured dirt path
+ added secondary stage growth textures/models to all saplings
+ added unique texture for sand in beaches [optifine/continuity]
+ added unique texture for grass block top in forests, birch forests, dark forests, and jungles [optifine/continuity]
~ retextured and recoloured birch leaves
~ retextured acacia grass block top [optifine/continuity]
~ retextured acacia leaves
~ retextured redstone wire
~ retextured and remodelled melon and pumpkin stems
~ retextured all walls
~ retextured end stone and end stone bricks
~ retextured flower pot
~ retextured/remodelled potted cactus
~ retextured and animated beacon
~ retextured all buttons and animated powered buttons
~ retextured barrier
~ retextured dandelion, oxeye daisy, poppy, allium, azure bluet, all tulips, lilac bush, rose bush, peony bush
~ retextured tall grass
~ retextured podzol top
~ retextured mycelium
~ retextured birch log
~ retextured bone block and added variants
~ retextured spruce sapling
~ retextured polished basalt
~ retextured all terracotta
~ retextured and reverted model of cauldron
~ retextured sweet berry bush
~ retextured fern
~ retextured clay
~ animated all powered pressure plates
~ animated powered lever
~ animated crimson and warped stems
~ animated powered redstone lamp and added random rotation
~ animated all light emitting blocks
~ animated redstone block
~ animated powered redstone repeater and comparator
~ recoloured red nether bricks
~ recoloured birch saplings
~ recoloured prismarine
~ recoloured deep dark colourmap
~ recoloured cherry grove grass block colourmap
~ recoloured honey and honeycomb block
~ recoloured beetroot crops
~ tweaked dirt and grass sides
~ tweaked texture and model of jukebox and animated when playing
~ tweaked slime block
~ tweaked cracked textures and optimised model of turtle eggs
~ tweaked and animated powered lightning rod
~ tweaked gravel
~ tweaked mob spawner
~ tweaked and re-animated campfires
~ tweaked sea lantern
~ tweaked ancient debris
~ tweaked danger, heart, heartbreak, and skull pottery sherds
~ tweaked torch, soul torch, and redstone torch
~ flipped deepslate bricks
~ fixed potted fern
~ fixed upside down sandstone and red sandstone stairs
− removed shade from iron bars
~ retextured all tools/weapons
~ retextured flint and flint and steel
~ retextured redstone dust, gunpowder, glowstone dust, and sugar
~ retextured bread
~ retextured coal and charcoal
~ retextured raw and cooked beef and porkchop
~ retextured firework star and firework rocket
~ retextured and animated fire charge
~ retextured apple and golden apples
~ retextured snowball
~ retextured potato, poisonous potato, and baked potato
~ retextured amethyst shard
~ retextured bell
~ retextured bee spawn egg
~ retextured heart of the sea
~ retextured beetroot and recoloured beetroot seeds
~ retextured paper
~ animated nether star
~ recoloured honey bottle and honeycomb
~ recoloured netherite ingot
~ tweaked cauldron
~ tweaked lead
~ tweaked slimeball and slime spawn egg
~ tweaked anvils
~ tweaked danger, heart, heartbreak, and skull pottery patterns
~ tweaked all waxed copper blocks for better differentiation
~ retextured pigscene
~ retextured pointer
~ retextured fighters
~ retextured earth, wind, water, fire
~ tweaked graham
~ retextured creeper
~ retextured enderman
~ retextured sheep
~ retextured bee
~ retextured heart of the sea in conduit
~ retextured painting back
~ recoloured ender dragon
~ recoloured cow
~ recoloured magma cube
~ retextured and remodelled item frame
~ tweaked ender chest
~ retextured menu panorama
~ fixed all mipmapping issues
~ updated GUI formatting into separate sprites
~ updated some map icons and textured new village/structure icons
~ retextured end portal
~ tweaked font
− removed all mod support besides modmenu
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Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
v2.15Game versions
135Publication date
October 14, 2023 at 4:25 PMPublisher
