Landscapes Reimagined Genesis
Dive into adventure with our mod pack! Explore Terralith, marvel at YUNG's, MES, and MVS Structures; embrace the iconic Create mod and addons, pristine performance mods, embark on a captivating questline, and more!
Landscapes Reimagined Genesis has been archived. Landscapes Reimagined Genesis will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Modpack Patch Notes: Version 2.1.0 [Create Foundry Adjustments]
Release Date: October 16th, 2023
This update primarily centers around optimizing Create Foundry to ensure its compatibility with all modded ores, addressing minor quest-related issues, introducing several new mods, and providing comprehensive updates to existing mods.
As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.
New Additions
- Advanced Netherite: Advanced Netherite is a configurable, vanilla friendly, open-source mod that adds in more tiers of Netherite! The goal of the mod is to extend the vanilla Minecraft experience by adding more goals to achieve.
- All The Fan Made Discs: All The fan Made Discs is a mod about adding new minecraft music discs, in order to add more goals and a sens of adventure to the game. It adds 79 new music discs to the game, add 26 of them to the vanilla loot tables, 3 craftable discs and 3 in news structures and also custom mob loot.
- Enderman Overhaul: Enderman Overhaul adds over 20 new endermen variants, each with their own sounds, models, and animations!
- Botany Pots: This mod adds the Botany Pot which is a block that can grow all kinds of crops. The Botany Pot can be used for decoration, and to also make farming certain types of crops much easier.
- Moss Fix: Simple server-side mod to fix moss generation.
Fabric Loader Update
- v0.14.22 > v0.14.23
- Creative Core: v2.10.28 > v2.11.5
- Extended Drawers: v2.0.6 > v2.0.7
- Xaeros World Map: v1.34.1 > v1.35.0
- Xaeros Mini Map: v23.8.2 > v23.8.3
- Audio Player: v1.8.0 > v1.8.2
- Better Statistics: v3.1 > v3.3
- CTOV Farmers Delight Compat: v2.0 > v2.1
- Elytra Trims: v1.3.3 > v1.4.1
- Friends and Foes: v1.9.6 > v1.9.7
- Iris: v1.6.9 > v1.6.10
- Moonlight: v2.8.47 > v2.8.50
- Polymer: v0.5.15 > v0.5.16
- Supplementaries: v2.6.11 > v2.6.12
- Vein Mining: v1.2.0 > v1.2.1
- Simply Voice Chat: v2.4.26 > v2.4.27
- More Discs: v31 > v32
- Create Foundry: v1.2.1a > v1.2.1b
- Landscapes Reimagined Dark Mode: v2.0.2 > v2.1.0
Drippy Screen Tweaks
- Updated Version ID to v2.1.0
KubeJS Tweaks
- Client_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ClientTweak: Adjusted REI grouping to match new mod additions, and added in new group to Fuzs mods
- Server_Scripts\CreateFoundryTweaks: Added Ore Compatibility with all ores
- Server_Scripts\CraftingTableTweaks: Made Crafting Table more Compatible, by adding Modded to Vanilla Recipe, and all modded planks to vanilla crafting table recipe
- Server_Scripts\LandscapesReimagined_ServerTweaks: Fixed Chipped Tinker's Table Recipe
Config Tweaks
- Vein Mining: Adjusted client options to require key press to active vein mine instead of it being always active
- Hereacles: Fixed Explore Nether Fortress quest to require Yung's Better Nether Fortress instead of vanilla Fortress
Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!
Want to Read More about what was changed check out this Github Merge
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itemscroller-fabric-1.20.1-0.20.0.jarAdded via overrides
litematica-fabric-1.20.1-0.15.3.jarAdded via overrides
iris-flywheel-compat-1.20.1-0.2.1.jarAdded via overrides
tweakeroo-fabric-1.20.1-0.17.1.jarAdded via overrides
minihud-fabric-1.20.1-0.27.0.jarAdded via overrides
createutilities- via overrides
createfoundry-1.2.1b1.20.1.jarAdded via overrides
createchunkloading-1.6.0-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
dynview-fabric-1.20.1-3.2.jarAdded via overrides
malilib-fabric-1.20.1-0.16.3.jarAdded via overrides
ctov-3.3.5a.jarAdded via overrides
Landscapes Reimagined.mrpack(111.47 MiB) Primary
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