Landscapes Reimagined Genesis
Dive into adventure with our mod pack! Explore Terralith, marvel at YUNG's, MES, and MVS Structures; embrace the iconic Create mod and addons, pristine performance mods, embark on a captivating questline, and more!
Landscapes Reimagined Genesis has been archived. Landscapes Reimagined Genesis will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Modpack Patch Notes: Version 1.16 (Structure Overhaul)
Release Date: August 25th, 2023
In this latest modpack update, we've concentrated on elevating the aesthetics of villages, introducing innovative structures to enrich your exploration experience. Furthermore, we've meticulously fine-tuned compatibility, making adjustments to the recipes of pre-existing items to ensure they harmonize perfectly with the Create mod. We trust you'll appreciate these enhancements as you delve into the updated modpack.
As a standard safety protocol, we advise creating a backup of your saved data prior to updating the modification package to ensure the preservation of your progress.
New Additions [Mods]
- CTOV (Friends and Foes Compat): Compatibility add-on for Friends and Foes mod and CTOV
- MVS (Moog's Voyager Structures): adds 87+ vanilla style structures to your world to bring it alive, using vanilla blocks. Includes dungeons and enemies to fight!
- MES (Moog's End Structures): Lots of Vanilla styled structrues to fill up the end dimension with life!
- Bountiful: Adds bounty boards, giving rewards for collecting different blocks and items.
- Kambrik: Kambrik is a general purpose Kotlin library for Fabric.
- CTOV (Villagers Plus Compat): Compatibility datapack between ChoiceTheorem's overhauled village and VillagersPlus mod
- CTOV (Beautify Compat): Compatibility datapack for beautify mod and CTOV
- Beautify (Refabricated): Adds lots of vanilla-styled ways to spice up your builds.
- Stoneholm: Adds in Underground Villages
New Additions [Datapacks]
- Create Structures: Add-on for Create that implements naturally generating structures containing early-game Create contraptions and items.
- Repurposed Structures (Better Desert Temples Compat): Changes RS Pyramids to be in Better Desert Temple's style
- Repurposed Structures (Better Strongholds Compat): Changes RS Strongholds to be in Better Stronghold's style
- Repurposed Structures (Better Ocean Monuments Compat): Changes RS Monuments to be in Better Ocean Monument's style
- Repurposed Structures (Better Dungeons Compat): Changes RS Dungeons to be in Better Dungeon's style
- Repurposed Structures (Better Witch Huts Compat): Changes RS Witch Huts to be in Better Witch Hut's style
- Repurposed Structures (Friends and Foes Compat): Adds Copper Golems and Beekeepers to RS Villages
- Repurposed Structures (Bountiful Compat): Adds Bounties to RS villages!
- Repurposed Structures (VillagerPlus Compat): Adds new houses and workstations to RS villages!
- Repurposed Structures (Farmer's Delight Compat): Adds Farmer's Delight to Repurposed Structures Villages
New Additions [Resource Packs]
- Landscapes Reimagined Dark Mode: A pack for Landscapes Reimagined adding dark mode GUIs.
- Better Furnaces Reforged: v1.0.1 > v1.0.2
- Create Enchantment Industry: v1.0.0 > v1.0.1
- Simple Voice Chat: v2.4.20 > v2.4.22
- Friends&Foes: v1.8.5 > v1.8.6
- Farmer's Delights: v1.3.10 > v1.3.10.1
- Supplementaries: v2.3.22 > v2.3.23
- Repurposed Structures: v6.3.24 > v6.3.26
- Rhino: v1902.2.2-build.268 > vv1902.2.2-build.272
- Entity Texture Features: v4.4.4 > v4.5.1
- Supplementaries: v2.3.23 > v2.3.24
- Xaero's Minimap: v23.6.2 > v23.6.3
- Xaero's World Map: v1.33.0 > v1.33.1
- CraftPresence: v2.2.1 > v2.2.2
- Fabric Language Kotlin: v1.10.8+kotlin1.9.0 > v1.10.10+kotlin1.9.10
- Terralith: v2.3.10 > v2.3.11
Recipe Tweaks
- Add All Chipped Recipes to Create Saw
REI Tweaks
- Group newly added items
- Hide Unusable/ Nonsurvival Items
Config Changes
- Fixed Enhanced Block Entity Glitchy Chest issue
Note: If you encounter any issues, please request support on our Discord. Enjoy the update!
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dynview.fabric-1.19-2.4.jarAdded via overrides
lootr-1.19- via overrides
itemscroller-fabric-1.19.2-0.17.1.jarAdded via overrides
minihud-fabric-1.19.2-0.23.3.jarAdded via overrides
BountifulFabric-4.0.0.jarAdded via overrides
litematica-fabric-1.19.2-0.12.7.jarAdded via overrides
iris-flywheel-compat-1.19.2-0.2.1.jarAdded via overrides
stoneholm-1.4.4.jarAdded via overrides
ExplorersCompass-1.19.2-2.2.0-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
Kambrik-4.0-1.19.2.jarAdded via overrides
NaturesCompass-1.19.2-2.1.0-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
tweakeroo-fabric-1.19.2-0.14.3.jarAdded via overrides
createchunkloading-1.5.1-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
createdeco-1.3.3-1.19.2.jarAdded via overrides
malilib-fabric-1.19.2-0.13.0.jarAdded via overrides
Landscapes Reimagined .mrpack(15.31 MiB) Primary
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