(V.4.2.0 Changes) (1.18.1 Minecraft)
Added Honey Web and Sticky Honey Web blocks! They are crafted from 3 Sticky Honey Reside or 3 Sticky Honey Redstone in a row. They act like the residue forms but instead, can be placed to create a wall of stickiness without being attached to a block surface.
Sticky Honey Residue and Sticky Honey Redstone now give a temporary slowness status effect.
Sticky Honey Residue and Sticky Honey Redstone collision checking is optimized a bit better.
Fixed issue where Sticky Honey Residue could spawn in midair during worldgen.
Fixed Pollen Puff able to replace non-replaceable non-solid blocks when thrown inside the space for that block.
Buffed the slowness that Honey Crystal Shield gives physical attackers.
Adjusted Honey Fluid texture slightly.
Beehemoth now has a buzzing sound when flying!
Walls of Honey Web now spawns in the caves of Bumblezone!
Fixed a client-sided mixin trying to load on servers.
Lowered volume of ambient buzzing sound in Bumblezone dimension.
(V.4.1.1 Changes) (1.18.1 Minecraft)
Tried fixing an issue where other mod's fake players or something is crashing Bumblezone. I think? It's cursed and hard to debug.
(V.4.1.0 Changes) (1.18.1 Minecraft)
Now hard depends on Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone mod to prevent deadlocks with Bumblezone's worldgen caused by vanilla bug.
Added specialBeeSpawning and nearbyBeesPerPlayerInBz config options which makes Bumblezone handle spawning and despawning vanilla bees in its dimension entirely. This config makes this mod try to always have a set number of vanilla bees near the player as often as possible to make the dimension feel full. Vanilla bees that are too far from player will be forcefully despawned unless the bee is name tagged, persistent, or has a hive associated with it.
Fixed Honey Slime not being honey filled for 1 frame after being spawned.
Fixed weird interactions with modded fluids bordering Bumblezone's fluids. Such as Honey Fluid turning any water-tagged modded fluid into Sugar Water regardless of that that other fluid is. Solution was more tags. the_bumblezone:fluids/convertible_to_sugar_water forge:fluids/visual/honey forge:fluids/visual/water
Fixed Honey Cave Room and Pollinated Streams not spawning.
Bee Dungeon and Spider Infested Bee Dungeon spawns again now.
Sticky Honey Residue now spawns in patches in The Bumblezone dimension.
Mod Compat:
Mod compat with Productive Bees is now back and better balanced now! More config options are available.
Mod compat with Pokecube is back again!
(V.4.0.1 Changes) (1.18.1 Minecraft)
Undid a mixin for Honey Fluid rendering to use an old and fragile mixin instead. Reason is modifyArgs mixin is broken in Forge and when I tried to use modifyArg with storing values I need in a field, it broke rendering Honey Fluid as it is not threadsafe.
Fixed Honey Fluid bottom not rendering when it is slowly falling onto an opaque block.
Fixed Honey Fluid falling faster if there is neighboring Honey Fluid that is also falling.
Fixed Pollen Puff not growing a Pile of Pollen if thrown through a tall stack.
Mod Compat:
Fixed crash with some mods asking for getBaseHeight from Bumblezone's chunk generator.
(V.4.0.0 Changes) (1.18.1 Minecraft)
Ported to 1.18.1!
Now has ambient pollen particles.
Fixed some bugs with Pollen Puff and Pile of Pollen.
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52Publication date
January 12, 2022 at 11:54 PMPublisher