(V.2.4.10 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
- Fixed crash when trying to use the blacklist to stop spawning some Resourceful Bees in Bumblezone
(V.2.4.9 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Fixed Comb Cutter enchantment so it appears in enchantment table only for Swords and Books and only if the cost of the enchantment is 13 or less. This help solve the problem of some mods making curses able to show up in enchanting table which caused Comb Cutter to be applied to any tool.
(V.2.4.8 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Exiting and entering Bumblezone will show a message to just the teleporting player that they are being teleported
Any living entity including players and mobs can enter the Bumblezone by being pushed into a Bee Hive or Bee Nest block by an activated Piston
Any living entity can now exit the Bumblezone
Fixed player not teleporting to closest bee hive block if the block is at sea level
- Added Spanish translation donated by another person
- Compressed one of the sound files by a large amount
(V.2.4.7 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Now I hard depend on v36.1.3 or newer Forge explicitly due to me using a newer Forge event. This should help prevent crashes due to people using a too old Forge version.
(V.2.4.6 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
- Added config option to turn off trade compat with Charm, Buzzier Bees, and Reosurceful Bees villager trades.
(V.2.4.5 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Fixed Sticky Honey Residue and Sticky Honey Redstone having the wrong hitbox when placed on the sides.
Increased search radius for beehives when leaving Bumblezone.
Fixed bug where client side visual makes it look like the player continues falling below y = 3 even though they remained at y = 3 on serverside. (Client was in no danger tho)
(V.2.4.4 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Beeswax Planks texture is adjusted to look better when next to other Beeswax Planks.
Attached a POI system to Brood Blocks placed and generated from here on out. Will be a stepping stone to optimizing Wrath of the Hive in 1.17.
Cleaned up Bee Feeding code a ton and added the_bumblezone:bee_feed_items item tag for players to add new items that can be fed to bees to heal them.
Added the_bumblezone:wrath_activating_items_when_picked_up item tag so players can add/remove items that should anger bees when picked up.
Added the_bumblezone:wrath_activating_blocks_when_mined block tag so players can specify what blocks, when mined, will make bees angry. Honey Blocks are now in this tag so they only anger bees when mined. Not when picked up now.
Mod Compat:
Honey Apple and Honey bread from Buzzier Bees cna be fed to bees now.
Fixed crash with my mod trying to spawn Carrier Bees's Bucket Entity from the Honeycomb Brood blocks.
Switched to the new Ender Pearl Teleport event from the old one as the old event is being removed by Forge in 1.17.
Teleporting out of The Bumblezone is now much better optimized and has a bigger search radius for existing bee hive blocks.
(V.2.4.3 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Cleaned up many mixins to prevent possible mixin conflicts with other mods.
(V.2.4.2 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Fixed issue where Enderpearl impacting beehives may not always work due to the impact coordinates being heavily offset from the actual impact.
(V.2.4.1 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod compat:
- Fixed Comb Cutter crashing when Resourceful Bees is not on.
(V.2.4.0 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Now requires 36.0.42 Forge or newer as I am now using EntityAttributeCreationEvent to register entity attributes.
The loud Bee buzzing sound was replaced with a much softer beehive buzzing! Easier on the ears!
Music will play when you are in a Bumblezone Biome! The song that plays is Honey Bee by Rat Faced Boy.
Wrath of the Hive now plays music when triggered! The song that plays is a midi version of Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky Korsakov.
Wrath of the Hive's default config value for duration is now 1680 and angry bee's strength config is lowered by one.
When you have Wrath of the Hive, bees will now spawn in open space a bit away from you but will come chase you down! Grab your Bane of Arthropod sword!
Bees now cannot get Wrath of the Hive effect to prevent them attacking each other.
Drinking Honey Bottles no longer trigger Wrath of the Hive effect in Bumblezone's dimension.
Mobs with Wrath of the Hive will now make Honeycomb Brood Blocks near them grow faster. Stay out of Bee Dungeons when you have the effect!
Protection of the Hive's default config value for duration is now 1680.
- Added Comb Cutter enchantment for Shears, Swords, and Resourceful Bees's Scrappers. This enchantment will make mining all blocks with "comb" in the name much faster! And it will slightly increase mining speed for Hive, Nests, and Wax based blocks too. It will also increase the number of combs you get when shearing a BeeHive or BeeNest!
- Using Honey Blocks on vanilla Slime mobs that are size 1 or 2 will turn them into Honey Slime mobs!
"the_bumblezone:turn_slime_to_honey_slime" item tag controls what item can do the conversion.
- Honey Slime now gets significant reduced fall damage when they are covered in honey!
Fixed Honey Crystal block so that it rotates and mirrors properly when loaded from nbt files.
Adjusted Empty Porous Honeycomb, empty Brood block, and non-empty Brood blocks's textures to try and reduce tiling issues a bit.
Honey Crystal Shield's valid repair items is now controlled by the item tag: "the_bumblezone:honey_crystal_shield_repair_items"
Added new music discs to play the two new music added to this mod! You can obtain the discs from Wandering Traders as a rare trade!
- Removed English that was accidentally left in the Russian translations - by Alepod
Optimized waterfall feature to use honeycombs_that_features_can_carve block tag.
Bee Dungeon and Spider Infested Bee Dungeon code backend is significantly cleaned up and now uses processors to change blocks.
Mod Compat:
Pokecube's Weedle, Combee, and Cutiefly evolution lines now spawn in Bumblezone!
If Pokecube is on, feeding Honey Brood Blocks will now have a chance of spawning a lvl 1 Weedle, Combee, or Cutiefly.
Blacklisting any Bumblezone Biomes with Resourceful Bees's biome blacklist will prevent the bee from spawning at all in Bumblezone's Dimension.
Resourceful Bees's Honey Blocks has a chance of showing up in Bee Dungeons or the holes in the walls of the dimension! Their Honey Blocks will now give Wrath of the Hive to players picking them up when inside The Bumblezone dimension.
Reduced the spawnrates of many Resourceful Bees and Productive Bees honeycombs in The Bumblezone dimension and gave them new ranges that they can spawn at.
Added Charm support so now their candles spawn in Bee Dungeons and Spider Infested Bee Dungeons!
Several Bumblezone Items are now used in Charm's, ReosurcefulBees's, and Buzzier Bee's BeeKeeper/Apiarist trade offers!
Carrier Bees's bees now cannot get Wrath of the Hive effect and gets properly angered too now when a mob gets the effect.
(V.2.2.14 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
- Fixed Spider Dungeon crash if ResourcefulBees is on and not Productive Bees.
- Throwing Enderpearl at Beehives will teleport you to dimension more consistently.
(V.2.2.13 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
Renamed the registry name of Brood Blocks from honeycomb_larva_block to honeycomb_brood_block.
Renamed the registry name of Empty Brood Blocks from dead_honeycomb_larva_block to empty_honeycomb_brood_block. (fixes some having missing texture too if you used 2.2.12)
(V.2.2.12 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Special thanks to Alepod for the Russian translations!
- Honeycomb Brood Blocks now spawn child Bees and child Honey Slime mobs.
- Fixed Honey Slime Spawn Eggs not working with Dispensers and now use better code practices.
Mod Compat:
Special thanks to Vaerys-Dawn for improving Resourceful Bees compat in Bumblezone! Bees will now only spawn in Bumblezone if canSpawnInWorld is set to true in Resourceful Bees and useSpawnInWorldConfigFromRB config in Bumblezone is set to true. Also added a new entity type tag called blacklisted_resourceful_bees_entities.json that you can use to blacklist specific bees as well.
Only Resourceful Bees Honeycombs of bees spawnable in Bumblezone will generate in the dimension now.
Added PBBlacklistedBees config entry to allow users to blacklist what Productive Bees spawns in Bumblezone.
Fixed spawnProductiveBeesHoneycombVariants config not preventing all Productive Bees combs from spawning in Bumblezone.
Fixed Spider Dungeon grabbing Resourceful Bees comb instead of Productive Bees's in certain cases.
Fixed spawnResourcefulBeesHoneycombVariants config not preventing all Resourceful Bees combs from spawning in Bumblezone.
(V.2.2.11 Changes) (1.16.5 Minecraft)
- Changed Enderpearl impact mixin to be Forge's EnderTeleportEvent instead to have better mod compat with mods replacing Enderpearls. However, due to a limitation of Forge's event, any modded Enderpearl (even those that doesn't replace vanilla's) will now teleport you to Bumblezone if it hits a beehive.
(V.2.2.10 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
-Improved Bumblezone Bee AI to not stop in midair as often.
-Changed broodBlocksBeeSpawnCapacity so that it is not multiplied by 10 anymore for bee limit. If it is set to 50 now, then the Brood blocks will not spawn more bees if 50 bees already exist.
(V.2.2.9 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
-Productive Bees's Honey Treat item now can be fed to bees or Honeycomb Brood Blocks.
-Buzzier Bees compatibility is restored! Honey Wands can feed bees and Honeycomb Brood Blocks, take honey from blocks, Crystallized Honey spawns in the dimension, Bottled Bees can restore Empty Honeycon Brood Blocks, and Candles spawn in Bee Dungeons!
-Added broodBlocksBeeSpawnCapacity config option to allow users to change the automatic bee spawning mechanics of Honeycomb Brood Blocks.
-Falling out of Bumblezone dimension to teleport out shouldn't deal fall damage now.
-Added onlyOverworldHivesTeleports config option to allow people to make it only possible to enter The Bumblezone from the Overworld.
-Vanilla Bees in The Bumblezone now have a new AI that makes them wander better, lag less, and not cluster on the ceiling anymore. (for Forge version only)
-Bees spawned from new chunks are less likely to be pollenated.
-Fixed Teleportation mode 2 and 3 being broken and not saving previous pos and dims.
-Fixed Honey Shield registering its Dispenser behavior twice.
-Prefixed all my accessor and invoker mixins due to this bug in mixins that could cause a crash with other mods for same named mixins.
-Quite a bit of general cleaning up and switched from Yarn over MCP mappings to full MCP mappings.
(V.2.2.8 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
-Fixed various serverside crashes.
-Fixed Sugar Waterfalls only being placed in a single x/z column instead of spread out.
-Reduced Sugar Waterfall amount.
-Added blacklisted_teleportable_hive_blocks.json tag file that datapacks can override. Add hive blocks to here if you don't want them to allow teleportation to the Bumblezone dimension.
Mod Compat:
-Added blacklisted_resourceful_bees_combs.json and blacklisted_productive_bees_combs.json tag files that datapacks can override. Add combs to these tags to blacklist them from being imported into the dimension.
-Now future combs that Productive Bees adds will be added to the dimension automatically.
-Moved the Mod Compat config file to be now per-startup instead of per-world. It can be found in the config folder next to the mods folder now.
-Removed the requiredBlockUnderHive config and instead, replaced it with the tag: the_bumblezone/tags/blocks/required_blocks_under_hive_to_teleport.json. Override this tag file with a datapack to change what blocks are needed under hives to allow teleportation.
(V.2.2.7 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
-Adjusted Wrath of the Hive to apply effects to bees with the duration equal to the remaining Wrath of the Hive time on the target.
-Fixed bees being able to see through walls to find spiders and bears and not being able to see through walls for players making bees extra angry.
-Reduced mob cap a bit in The Bumblezone dimension to reduce amount of Bees due to lag.
(V.2.2.6 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
-Fixed Resourceful Bees compat running way more than needed.
-Fixed unregistered ConfiguredFeatures from occurring from my code.
-Updated mod compat with Productive Bees v0.5.1.1 but dropped support for TileEntity based combs.
-Use Beehive tag for what block Enderpearls can hit to teleport to The Bumblezone dimension.
(V.2.2.5 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
-Fixed particles and sounds being played twice for Empty Bucket, Glass Bottle, and Honey Bottle when activated in a Dispenser.
(V.2.2.4 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
-Fixed crash with Resourceful Bees if player disables their honeycombs.
(V.2.2.3 Changes) (1.16.4 Minecraft)
Mod Compat:
-Now attempt to try and make sure Productive Bees honeycombs does not try to be placed out of bounds. Also will now not spawn any broken combs if that comb type is disabled in Productive Bees.
-Fixed log spam about getting a Block Entity before it was made.
-Removed logo blur from logo in mod list.
(V.2.2.2 Changes) (1.16.3 Minecraft)
Mod compat:
-Fixed classloading issues.
-Fixed crash if Potion of Bees is on and Productive Bees is off.
(V.2.2.1 Changes) (1.16.3 Minecraft)
-Register to Forge registry instead of vanilla due to a breaking change done by Forge. Special thanks to andrew0030 for helping out with fixing this!
-Optimized the SurfaceBuilder and the caves a bit! The underwater block in the configured surfacebuilder json file
was changed from the_bumblezone:porous_honeycomb_block to
-Fixed bug where Honey Crystals could be floating from worldgen.
-Attempted to optimize cave code slightly. Cave shape changed a bit as a result.
-Fixed teleportation mode 1 and 2 not having correct coordinates when exiting Bumblezone.
-Fixed Enderpearls not being removed when thrown and Bee Nest and causing people to teleport back into The Bumblezone immediately when they leave it.
Mod Compat:
-Fixed possible Dispenser issue if Potion of Bees's setup event is ran after mine.
-Fixed Resourceful Bees compat not running if Productive Bees is off.
(V.2.2.0 Changes) (1.16.3 Minecraft)
-If you make a biome under the namespace of "the_bumblezone", that biome will now spawn in the Bumblezone dimension!!!
Mod Compat:
-Fixed crash with Resourceful Bees
-Added mod compat with Resourceful Bees! Use their Apairy or hive blocks to enter Bumblezone! Their bees spawn in the dimension and from the Honeycomb Brood Blocks! Their Honeycombs spawns in the dimension!
-Fixed possible crash with registering Dispenser Behaviors.
-Fixed bug where modded bees do not spawn when chunks are created in Bumblezone.
Bee Interactivity:
-Feeding bees now works again!
(V.2.1.1 Changes) (1.16.3 Minecraft)
-Fixed SurfaceBuilder for BZ biomes being registered twice instead of once. Players will see no change other than 1 less line in the latest.log file lol.
-Fixed an issue on my end with Biomes O Plenty on so now it will crash showing the real issue with BoP in the logs.
Still working on a real fix. Watch
for any progress.
-Trying to register biomes ahead of time to reserve their IDs. Might help with a biome ID shifting issue with adding/removing mods or something.
(V.2.1.0 Changes) (1.16.3 Minecraft)
-Adjusted Honey Crystals to make them spawn more often.
-Fixed crash when exiting The Bumblezone at times.
-Fixed coordinate scaling not working properly when entering/exiting The Bumblezone.
Mod Compatibility:
-Updated Productive Bees compat to use their configurable bees and honeycombs. Support for their non-configurable bees and blocks was removed as they are moving away from using them.
-Added mod support for Carrier Bees's bees! Their bees will now spawn in The Bumblezone when you have Wrath of the Hive!
-Potion of Bees is working as intended. (They just ported so this was just me checking if the compat still works)
-Cleaned up the json format for the dimension's json file.
-Cleaned up codebase a bit.
(V.2.0.5 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
-Added translation for Honey Slime mob name.
-Portuguese translations added by Mikeliro! Thank you!
-Added Simplified Chinese translation from Samekichi! Thank you!
-The status effect configs now reflect their true level of intensity. 1 is now the minimum value instead of 0 as 0 actually was level 1. Absorption is now at the correct level to give 4 extra health instead of 8 which made bees too hard to kill.
(V.2.0.4 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed crash when mining Honeycomb Brood Block.
-Bees spawned in the Bumblezone will have a chance to be pollinated no matter how they are spawned in the dimension. (Due to tiny performance improvement change done in backend)
(V.2.0.3 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
- Fix crash at startup becuase I forgot to remove a refrence to a mixin I removed lmao. Never rush your fixes people!
(V.2.0.2 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
(V.2.0.1 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
- Fixed crash on servers.
Mod Compatibility:
- Fixed crash when paired with another mod that registers unfinished mobs that crashes when created.
(V.2.0.0 Changes) (1.16.2 Minecraft)
UPDATED TO 1.16.2!! (Ported the 1.16.2 Fabric version to Forge)
Removed compat with Buzzier Bees, Beesourceful, and Potion of Bees as they are not on 1.16.2 yet.
Added Honey Slime mob natively to this mod which was donated by the Buzzier Bees dev Bagel!
Added Beeswax Planks block to be placed on the Bumblezone dimension's ceiling and floor boundaries.
See Fabric Bumblezone changelog for more details of changes done in 1.16+.
(V.1.3.9/1.3.10 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Added config to adjust Phantom and Endermen spawnrates in The Bumblezone. (Special thanks to wtchappell for the PR!)
-Added config to adjust Spider/Cave Spider in The Bumblezone.
-Fixed clearUnwantedBiomeFeatures and clearUnwantedBiomeMobs configs to actual work. (hopefully!)
(V.1.3.8 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
Mod Compatibility:
-Changed Bumblezone's biome categories from Jungle to None so people can blacklist it from Quark's structures easier.
-Added an experimental option to reset Bumblezone's biomes after all mods are finished setup to try and let players remove other mod's features/structures/mobs out of Bumblezone.
(V.1.3.7 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
Mod Compatibility:
-Added support for ProductiveBees's new honeycomb variants so they spawn in the dimension now!
-Bees can be fed and/or calmed with Buzzier Bees's Honey Soup or Sticky Honey Wand!
-Fixed bucket duplication when crafting Sugar Water from Water Bucket and Sugar in Crafting Table.
-Feeding bees will swing your arm always now.
(V.1.3.6 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed and renamed several Bumblezone recipes to prevent conflict so that vanilla's Honey Block can be crafted again. (The smelting recipe overrode it before. Sorry!)
(V.1.3.5 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
Mod Compatibility:
-Fixed crash when 1.2.0 Beesourceful mod is on.
-Fixed other mod compat getting skipped if one mod crashes or breaks during setup.
-Fixed type in the name of spawnBesourcefulHoneycombVariants config entry.
-Added (v0.1.8+) Productive Bees's honeycomb variants to The Bumblezone!
-Added (v0.1.8+) Productive Bees's Rottened Honeycomb to Spider Infested Bee Dungeons!
-If Beesourceful is off, (v0.1.8+) Productive Bees's ore based honeycombs will be used in worldgen and in Bee Dungeons!
-Centered the Cobwebs around Spider Infested Bee Dungeons much better now.
-Bees now will not see through walls to find insects, bears, or players taking honey from certain blocks. And Bees will now see through walls to go after players that anger bees by hitting them, drinking honey, or pick up Honey blocks. (Basically I had the requirement of needing a line of sight for their AI backwards due to bad mapping names from MCP)
-Using Glass Bottle to obtain Sugar Water in Creative mode will not use up the Glass Bottle now.
-Honey Crystal Shields now can be smelted into Sticky Honey Residue so you can still get a use out of nearly destroyed shields.
-Projectile fire damage will now deal an insane more amount of damage to Honey Crystal Shields.
-Made blocking explosions with shields now actually reduce damage taken by the player.
-Significantly improved the texture for Sticky Honey Residue and Sticky Honey Redstone.
(V.1.3.4 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Setting warnPlayersOfWrongBlockUnderHive config to true and putting and invalid resource location into RequiredBlockUnderHive config will no longer crash the server when attempting to teleport to The Bumblezone.
-Added generateBeenest config to allow people to turn on or off the creation of Bee Nests when exiting The Bumblezone into an area with no nests or hives nearby.
-Added teleportationMode config to let players pick between spawning at converted coordinates always, spawning at original coordinates always, or a mix when exiting The Bumblezone.
-Constrained the converted coordinate when exiting The Bumblezone to be within -30 million and 30 million so you do not get stuck outside the world's edge.
(V.1.3.3 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed serverside crash with teleporting when trying to use the config to require a certain block under beehive. (requiredBlockUnderHive)
-RequiredBlockUnderHive config entry now actually works.
-Added seaLevelOrHigherExitTeleporting config entry so that when you exit The bumblezone, you can have it where you are only placed near a hive that is above sealevel. This is to help prevent spawning underground due to Beesourceful's Beenests.
-Fixed when using a Glass Bottle on a waterlogged Honey Crystal Block gives you Water Bottle instead of Sugar Water Bottle like it should.
-Fixed bug where using Dispenser to make Honey Bottle put honey into Porous Honeycomb Block will not yield a Glass Bottle as waste.
-Fixed dispensersDropGlassBottles's config entry having the opposite effect than what it is currently set as.
-Glass Bottles in Dispensers facing Sugar Water or waterlogged Honey Crystal Block will now turn into Sugar Water Bottles when the Dispenser is activated.
-Sugar Water Bucket in Dispensers will now waterlog Honey Crystal Block if it is in-front of the Dispenser.
-Empty Bucket in Dispensers will now become Sugar Water Buckets if there is a waterlogged Honey Crystal Block in-front of the Dispenser.
(V.1.3.2 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Sticky Honey Redstone now will power through the block it is attached to and will power anything attached to it if it is on the floor. Much more useful now!
-Honey Bottles in Dispensers can now turn Porous Honeycomb Block into Filled Porous Honeycomb Block.
-Honey Bottles in Dispensers will now add Glass Bottles to the Dispenser when used to revive Empty Honeycomb Brood Blocks. (Can be changed in config to always drop the Glass Bottle instead of putting it back into Dispenser)
-Glass Bottles in Dispensers now will take honey from Filled Porous Honeycomb Block and Honeycomb Brood Block. The blocks will turn into their honey-less counterparts and a Honey Bottle will appear in the Dispenser (or dropped if there's no room).
Mod Compat:
-Fixed naming of allowSplashPotionOfBeesCompat config entry to be correct and actually takes effect now.
-Fixed bug where The Bumblezone's Depenser behavior overrode Potion of Bees's Splash Potion of Bees Dispenser behavior.
-Potion of Bees's regular Potion of Bees item will now revive Dead Honeycomb Brood Blocks correctly.
-Configs for Potion of Bees's potions compatibility with Empty Honeycomb Brood Blocks now applies to the Dispenser behaviors as well.
-Fixed The Bumblezone's custom Dispenser behavior for Honey Bottles to not completely override other mod's Dispenser behaviors for it.
-Buzzier Bees's Bottled o Bee and Potion of Bees's regular and splash Potion of Bees items will now add Glass Bottles to the Dispenser when used to revive Empty Honeycomb Brood Blocks.
-Updated Sticky Honey Redstone description in JEI to reflect the new changes to it.
(V.1.3.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Lower and smoothed out buzzing sound of Honeycomb Brood Blocks.
-Honey Crystal Shield description now says it can be enchanted with Curse of the Vanishing as Curse of the Binding is only for armor.
Mod Compatibility:
-Added JEI integration. All of The Bumblezone's blocks and items now has a description page.
-Productive Bees's Honey Treat item can be used to grow Honeycomb Brood Blocks now. They have a 20% of growing the larva by 2 stages instead of 1.
(V.1.3.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Clarified that the Wrath of the Hive bee effect level values in the config are one less than their actual level applied in game.
-Config for Wrath of the Hive's effects it gives to bees now can be set to 0 which would mean the effect gets applied at effect level 1 in the game.
-Added config to control if Buzzier Bee's Bottled Bee item can revive Empty Honeycomb Brood blocks.
-Added config to control if Potion of Bees's Splash Potion of Bee item can revive Empty Honeycomb Brood blocks when splashed near it.
Mod Compatibility:
-Fixed bug where using Buzzier Bees's Bottled Bee item to revive Empty Honeycomb Brood block will make the block face the wrong way.
-Buzzier Bees's Hive Boat will now move faster than normal boats when on Sugar Water fluid in The Bumblezone dimension!
-Ender Pearls thrown at Productive Bees' nests and hive will now teleport you to The Bumblezone. The Expansion Box Blocks only teleports you to The Bumblezone if they are placed on their hive block and expanded their hive block.
-Productive Bees' bees will now spawn in The Bumblezone at a 1/15th chance and can spawn from the Honeycomb Brood Blocks too.
-Productive Bees' Honey Treat item has a 40% chance of removing Wrath of the Hive effect off of you when fed to bees unlike the Honey Bottle's 30% chance. Will also heal bees a lot more too!
-Fixed Sugar Water Block from spamming in the logs that its blockstate model isn't set up even though it had no impact visually or on gameplay.
-Renamed Honeycomb Larva Block and Dead Honeycomb Larva Block to Honeycomb Brood Block and Empty Honeycomb Brood Block.
-Bees spawned by Honeycomb Brood Blocks will now spawn directly in front of block instead of getting stuck in the block and taking damage.
-Honeycomb Brood Blocks now will output power based on the larva's stage when a comparator is used on the block! The power output will be 1 to 4.
-Filled Porous Honeycomb Blocks now will output power when a comparator is used on the block! The power output will be 1.
-Added Honey Crystal blocks. Breaking these blocks without Silk Touch or breaking the block it's on will drop Honey Crystal Shards. These blocks are non-renewable so treasure them! They can also be waterlogged by any fluid with the water tag as well but it will turn the water inside the block into Sugar Water instead.
-Added Sticky Honey Residue that can be placed on multiple surfaces! Mobs touching this residue will be slowed down and the residue can be used to climb up walls. Using a comparator on this block will output a signal based on how many surfaces this block is attached to. You can obtain this block by smelting Honey Blocks, Honey Crystal Shards, or Honey Crystals. Also, this blocks takes time to mine but can be washed away by fluids or destroyed by right clicking while holding a Wet Sponge, any buckets holding fluids with water tag, or any bottle holding a fluid with water in its name!
-Added Sticky Honey Redstone that can be placed on multiple surfaces! It has all the same effects as Sticky Honey Residue as well as outputting a redstone signal of 1 when a mob is touching this block! This would help make neat contraptions easier. This block can be made by crafting with 1 Sticky Honey Residue and 1 Redstone in any shape.
-Added Honey Crystal Shards which drops from Honey Crystal blocks. These shards can be eaten to recover some hunger in a pinch.
-Added Honey Crystal Shield which uses the same recipe as regular shields but uses Honey Crystal Shards for all the slots. The shield starts up super weak but will become stronger as you repair it with Honey Crystal Shards. At maximum strength, this shield has about twice the durability as regular shields and can be enchanted with Unbreaking or Curse of the Binding (No Mending as that would be OP!). However, despite that huge durability benefit, this shield is super weak to blocking explosions or fire damage so be careful of what you block with this shield! And lastly, and mob physically attacking your shield will get a slowness effect for 4 seconds due to the honey's stickiness!
-Added recipe to turn Water Bucket into Sugar Water Bucket. Just put 1 Water Bucket and 1 Sugar into a Crafting Table!
-Added Bee Dungeons that will spawn in Honeycomb Holes or caves in the Bumblezone! They have lots of Honeycomb Brood Blocks but if you use Beesourceful, their ore-based Honeycombs will spawn too with Diamond, Ender, and Emeralds being the rarest honeycombs. And if you have Buzzier Bees on, their candles will also spawn in the dungeon with scented candles that gives potion effects spawning very rarely in the center.
-Honeycomb Holes now has a chance of having an Empty Honeycomb Larva Block.
-Honey Crystal blocks will now generate in caves or underwater in The Bumblezone! They are rare in Sugar Water Biome, uncommon in Hive Pillar biome, and most common in Hive Wall biome.
-Exiting Bumblezone dimension by falling into the void will not kill the player with fall damage when they teleport into another dimension. I forgot to reset the player's fall time but now it's fixed.
-Fixed bug where Bees cannot be angered normally outside of The Bumblezone with default config settings.
-Lowered Cave Spider and Spider spawn rates a bit and removed both spiders from Sugar Water Biome.
-Decreased how many bees will spawn in a bunch when spawning mobs.
-Vanilla Slime mobs will now spawn in Sugar Water biome but only at a low height below sealevel and in certain chunks. That way you can still make a Slime farm in Bumblezone even with Buzzier Bees on.
-German Translation added by Aurum! Thank you!
-Added more entries to en_us.json.�
-Added a version check to make sure this mod will not crash with older versions of Buzzier Bees or Beesourceful.
(V.1.2.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
Mod Compatibility:�
-If Buzzier Bees is on, Honey Slime mobs will spawn in The Bumblezone instead of regular Slime mobs and monsters will have a slightly higher rate of spawning.
-If Buzzier Bees is on, the roof and floor boundaries of the dimension will use Hive Planks instead, the top of land above sea level area will use Crystallized Honey Block, and the top layer of land at and below sea level area will use Wax Blocks.
-If Buzzier Bees is on, their Honey Wand now can add and remove honey from Porous Honeycomb Block and Honey Filled Porous Honeycomb Block.
-If Buzzier Bees is on, you can use their Bottle of Bee item on a Dead Honeycomb Larva Block will revive the block into a stage 1�Honeycomb Larva Block. This can be done by hand or by a Dispenser facing the block.
-If Beesourceful is on, their ore bees and ender bees can now spawn in The Bumblezone! They have a 15% chance of spawning when a regular bee is spawned. Then the chance of each type of Beesourceful bee being chosen is 1% Ender, 2% Diamond, 7% Emerald, 10% Lapis, 10% Quartz, 20% Gold, 20% Redstone, and 30% Iron.
-If Beesourceful is on, their honeycomb variants will now in The Bumblezone at all kinds of heights and height bands. Start exploring to find where they spawn!
-If Potion of Bees is on, you can use their Potion of Bees item on a Dead Honeycomb Larva Block will revive the block into a stage 1, 2, or 3�Honeycomb Larva Block. This can be done by hand or by a Dispenser facing the block.
-If Potion of Bees is on, you can throw their Splash Potion of Bees item and any Dead Honeycomb Larva Block nearby on impact will revive the blocks into a stage 1, 2, or 3�Honeycomb Larva Block. If you have this item in a Dispenser directly facing the Dead Honeycomb Larva Block, it'll revive the block into a stage 1, 2, or 3�Honeycomb Larva Block without bees going everywhere.
-Added configs to control a lot of the interaction between this mod and Buzzier Bees.
-Added configs to control the interaction between this mod and Beesourceful.
-Added new config options to let players specify if a certain block needs to be under the Bee Nest/Beehive to teleport to The Bumblezone dimension.
-Added new config so players can allow or disallow teleporting to and from Bumblezone with modded Bee Nests or modded Beehive blocks.
-Throwing Enderpearls at all blocks that extends BeehiveBlock (includes modded and vanilla's BeeNests and BeeHive blocks) will teleport you into the dimension!
-Adjusted teleporting so teleporting to Bumblezone dimension from underground will spawn you trapped underground in the dimension less often.
-Bees will now no longer switch to attacking nearby passive players if they are angered by another mob/player. They will only attack entities with Wrath of the Hive effect in the dimension so there is no more collateral damage anymore.
-Any mob or player hitting a bee will inflict Wrath of the Hive effect onto the attacker. Now fighting off angry bees will prolong the Wrath of the Hive effect!
-In The Bumblezone dimension, Bees will now become aggressive towards all mobs with "bear" in their name including modded bear mobs.
-Bees will now hunt down and attack all insect mobs that doesn't have "bee" in their name if they are in The Bumblezone dimension.
-You can feed bees a Sugar Water bottle to slightly heal them. If you feed them a Honey Bottle instead, they will recover a lot more health!
-If you have Wrath of the Hive effect on, feeding bees a Sugar Water Bottle will have a 7% chance of removing the effect from yourself and calming the bees. If you feed them a Honey Bottle instead, you have a 30% chance of removing Wrath of the Hive form yourself and calming the bees.
-Nerfed spawnrate for slime mobs when creating chunk for first time.
-Nerfed spawnrate of Phantoms some more.
-Increased Spider spawnrates.
-Cave Spider can spawn in Hive Wall biomes now.
-Added Sugar Water fluid to spawn in The Bumblezone instead of regular water! Swimming in this fluid is slightly slower than swimming in water due to the excess of sugar in it. If bees swim in the Sugar Water and aren't taking damage, the bees will sip the water and heal themselves very slowly. Also, any Sugar Cane placed next to a Sugar Water block will grow faster and taller (up to 5 blocks high!)
-Sugar Infused Stone and Sugar Infused Cobblestone will be made when Sugar Water touches Lava! When mined, they drop Sugar and Cobblestone but you can use Silk Touch to keep them as is. When put into a Furnace, you can quickly burn out the Sugar from the blocks for some quick cheap XP.
-Walking on Filled Porous Honeycomb Block will now slightly slow your movement due to the sticky honey.
-Honeycomb Larva Block is now added! They will grow a larva inside it through 4 stages and on the final stage, it will spawn a bee if there is less than 10 bees within 50 blocks of the block. The larva will grow faster in The Bumblezone dimension than any other dimension. You can use a Honey Bottle or Buzzier Bee's Sticky Honey Wand to speed up the larva growth or by using a Dispenser with Honey Bottles on the block. If you use a Glass Bottle or Buzzier Bee's Honey Wand, it will kill the larva but you get honey and a bunch of angry bees coming! If Buzzier Bees is on, it may also sometimes spawn a Honey Slime mob. And if Beesourceful is on, it can sometimes spawn a Beesourceful's resource bee mob.
-Added Dead Honeycomb Larva Block that is created when using a Glass Bottle on a Honeycomb Larva Block. This block is decorative and serves no other use. It's dead. :( Buuuut if you have Buzzier Bee's on, you can use a Bottle of Bee to revive the block back to an alive Honeycomb Larva Block at stage 1. If you use Potion of Bee's bee potion items, that too can revive the block but it will be at stage 1, 2, or 3 as a bonus! This behavior can be done by hand or by using a Dispenser with these items in it right up against the Dead Honeycomb Larva Block. If you throw Potion of Bee's Bee Splash Potion item and it lands near some Dead Honeycomb Larva Blocks, it'll revive the blocks too!
-Added Sugar Water Bottle! To get this, use an empty Glass Bottle on Sugar Water. If you drink a Sugar Water Bottle, you restore a tiny bit of hungry but get Haste 1 effect for a short period of time!
-Added Sugar Water Bucket to move Sugar Water around. Works with Dispensers too!
-The dimension uses Air instead of Cave Air to help with feature generation.
-Honeycomb Holes now only generate exposed to the air and not completely buried underground.
-Honeycomb Holes now will generate with Honeycomb Larva Block at various stages in its life cycle!
(V.1.1.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed potential crash at startup when in a foreign language.
(V.1.0.4 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Improved some edge cases with Teleportation and fixed some potential bugs with other edge cases.
-lower Absorption default config value from 2 to 1 due to 2 making it way too hard to kill Wrath of the Hive angered bees. You'll still need Bane of Arthropods.
-Bees that spawn in a chunk when the chunk is first created has a 20% chance of being pollinated bees. -Patched a bug that could spawn mobs underground and hurt performance as they suffocate.
-Fixed potential visual bug that causes blue fog in some situations.
(V.1.0.3 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed bug so using Glass Bottle or Honey Bottles on the Filled Porous Honeycomb blocks and Porous Honeycomb blocks while in creative mode won't use up the bottle in your hand.
(V.1.0.2 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed teleportation math and player previous dimension storing to not allow a bug that lets you reach world border in seconds. Big oops. That's a BIG BUG I missed despite lots of testing!
(V.1.0.1 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Fixed teleportation not working when trying to enter The Bumblezone from a non-Overworld dimension.
-Added config option to make exiting The Bumblezone always place you into the Overworld.
(V.1.0.0 Changes) (1.15.2 Minecraft)
-Throw an Enderpearl at a Bee Nest in any dimension to enter The Bumblezone dimension! -To exit The Bumblezone dimension, go to Y = -1 or Y = 256 and it will place you back to the dimension you originally came from and if it can't resolve what dimension you came from, you'll be placed back in the Overworld. -Your XZ coordinates will be scale going to and from the dimension. In fact, traveling 1 block in The Bumblezone is the same as traveling 10 blocks in the Overworld! -If you exit the dimension by going down through the floor, it will look for the lowest Bee Nest that is in the general area of your new scaled coordinates and will place you next to it. If no Bee Nest is found, it will place you on highest place and generate a Bee Nest at your feet. -If you exit the dimension by going down through the ceiling, it will look for the highest Bee Nest that is in the general area of your new scaled coordinates and will place you next to it. If no Bee Nest is found, it will place you on highest place and generate a Bee Nest at your feet.
-Porous Honeycomb block is added. If you use a Honey Bottle on this block, it'll consume the honey and turn into a Filled Porous Honeycomb block. -Filled Porous Honeycomb block is added. If you use a Glass Bottle on this block, you'll get a Honey Bottle and the block turn into a Porous Honeycomb block (this will REALLY anger bees around you in the Bumblezone dimension!).
-Hive Wall biomes will be the giant flat vertical slabs filled with holes that the bees dug out. In each hole is some Honey Blocks! -Between the Hive Wall biomes is the Sugar Water Floor biome which creates a water filled space between each honeycomb wall. Bring a boat! -Also Hive Pillar biomes will spawn quite a bit to make massive pillars full of holes that connects the ceiling and floor!
-If you drink a Honey Bottle, pick up a Honey Block in the dimension, take honey from a Filled Porous Honeycomb block, all bees within 64 range of you will become EXTREMELY aggressive towards you. Beware, the bees will be REALLY angry and will get a temporary Strength 3, Absorption 2, and Speed 1 effect! -Bees generate at a high rate in the dimension and will become aggressive towards Polar Bears and Pandas if the player somehow gets them into the dimension. The bees will get a temporary Strength 1 and Speed 1 effect. -Spiders, Endermen, and Phantoms will spawn at a low rate with Phantoms being extremely rare. -Slime will spawn at any height when a new chunk is created for the first time. However, they will only respawn in an already generate chunk if that chunk is marked as a "slime chunk" and at Y = 40 or below just like the Overworld.
-Added 11 configs with 8 affecting the Wrath of the Hive effect and 3 affecting the Bumblezone dimension itself. Here is what the config looks like:
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July 28, 2021 at 12:35 PMPublisher